Saturday, January 02, 2010

Nine. Frickin'. Degrees.

That's how cold it is out there today.

Rumor has it that Iggle Crick will be open tomorrow. I don't know if I should go shoot outdoors just to prove how tough I am, or punk out and go to Popguns.

I'm off to brave the howling arctic wilderness to go to the grocery store. Back in a few. If I'm not back, send out a search party.


  1. Are you back yet?

    How about now?

    Also: How's that depression thing going?

  2. Search party? It's too cold. Besides, we've trained the St. Bernard to bring back wallets.

  3. It's important to train for situations in which you can't feel your fingers.

  4. Could be worse.

    Could be -10F like it is here.

  5. Gotcha beat, the tundra up North was 4 frickin' degrees this morn.

    Does make the nose hairs smart, don't it?

    (Maybe this is what I ordered for those ruts in my cornfield? Hope the frost goes deep.)

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  6. You have it easy. Here it's minus 13, and that's up 3 degrees from when I got up. Hibernation sounds good right now.

  7. It has warmed up to -5 here in the southern U.P., was -9 about a hour ago.

  8. -11 which is ten degrees warmer than when I got up this morning. Having shot in sub zero temps I recommend punking out. On the other hand it's good to train in real life conditions. Hey don't stop at the bank you look like a terrorist in Frozentootsiestan.

  9. I walked outside this morning looked up at that bright blue sky that contained no clouds and thanked God for three things: Clear Skies, Bright Sunshine, and that my buddy wussed out before I did on our planned hunting trip this morning because its 11 degrees (feels like 4).

  10. Currently it's a brutal 45F with the wind howling out of the SE @ 3mph.

    I'm trying to decide between flip-flops or a closed toe type of sandal to go with my shorts. What do you think?


  11. Out here on the island it's 8... C :D

  12. That's it, as God is my Witness!! (and Co-Pilot) I swear I'm going to train at the Ukumehame Firing Range!! (located off of Honoapiilani Hwy, near milemarker 12.)
    It's dirt and it's hot and there's no swimming pool or picnic area, but dammit there's at least one club on Maui with whom I can shoot...


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