Saturday, January 02, 2010

Oh. Emm. Gee.

What is it about an internet connection that brings out the special kind of crazy in people?

I mean, all you have to do is link to this person's page, and she sends you spittle-flecked emails threatening to sic a platoon of trained attack lawyers on you.

Has anyone explained to her how the intertubes work?

I mean, why not tape a giant "troll me" sign to your back?

Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice!


  1. You need a job, girl.

    'Till then, promise you'll always get into these naked snot-slinging go 'rounds in public like this.


    w/v: colon

    No shit.

  2. Tamara,

    Thank you for the links. I can use all the hits I can get. But calling up Beetlejuice! She's driving me nuts!!!! I guess I'll have 10 emails now pleading with me to cease and desist.

    I laughed for 10-minutes and linked to your page. Thank you - you've made my day! I'm on blogspot too! I'll be checking back.

    BTW, unemployed? You're doing the right thing - enjoy life! You've only got one.

  3. The_Betty

    Tam's a writer; I'm just giving her a hard time.

  4. The crazy is strong with that one

  5. Somehow, I'm thinking this is some sort of reverse psychology to get lots of people to link her

  6. I spotted the problem, she has "PhD" after her name.

    WV: pikersiv: Is that anything like subversive, but with pikers?

  7. "I’m an Ivy League-educated Ph.D. cultural historian..."

    Ah, so: First major problem.

    "...and the author of over 3,000 magazine articles."

    If her articles are as inarticulate as her blog-writing, one can but wonder how she was ever published.


  8. She won a contest for driving visits to her site? I'm with Owen.

  9. Tam, do you have an Encyclopaedia Dramatica account? I mean, the Brandt woman seriously needs an article about her there. I'd try it myself, but am afraid I'd get mercilessly mocked and end up with an article about me.


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