Thursday, January 14, 2010

QotD: Chris Muir wins the internets.

"Tactically, ma'am, it would be hard to get Obama's head under a beer tap."

Now that's funny, right there.

(Yeah, I usually save up my DbD to read a week or so's worth at a time. Sue me.)


  1. Nooooooo! Not the beer! Use the Fresca tap instead, who drinks that crap anymore?


  2. Ah, good; my sense of humor is not dead after all.

    I'm with you on the hilarity of this 'net win, not so much the last one.

  3. HEY! I love Fresca! Its like a virgin gin & tonic.

  4. Chris is gonna get a visit from guys in suits and sunglasses for that one.

  5. He *does* have a Scott Brown banner up, so he's got my eternal gratitude...

  6. I regularly post his cartoons to my Facebook page. I figure Canucks need the slap in the face he brings to the page.


  7. I think I've had too long of a day at work, because I only get half of that joke. I get that Obama's head is too big to fit under/into anything man-made. But why would you be trying to put their heads under the tap in the first place?

    Force them to drink in hopes that they'll lighten up?

  8. I'll confess it went right over my head. But then the humor in DbD generally misfires with me - a bunch of republicans standing around snarking about how democrats don't get it always pegs my "these guys don't get it" meter.

  9. I'm sorry, Joel, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my own philosophical purity. ;)

  10. Use the Budweiser tap; it ain't good for nuthin' else nohow.


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