Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who keeps pointing cameras at these idiots?

Considering that the drooling morons we have by way of a "public" believe anything they see on the blue-flickering oracle ensconced in their household entertainment shrine, a measurable percentage of people are actually going to think that it was an unholy Ĺ“cumenical alliance of JHVH and Gaia that took down Port-au-Prince.


  1. Actually, it was the result of JHVH & Gaia getting their freak on. Sort of the cosmic equivalent of squeeking bedsprings.

  2. Silly Me, I thought it was the Enriquilla-Plantain Garden's Fault

  3. The only question is what did the Haitians ever do to the planet? Can't get much more green than these dirt eaters.

  4. Yeah, were they the actual culprits, I'd have to question the accuracy of these deities' targeting radars.

  5. Are you ready for this? Actor Danny Glover, gun banner and political moron extraordinaire, blamed the Haiti quake on...wait for it...GLOBAL WARMING! (TA-DA!!)

    That's right; he thinks that the huge energy released when solid rock cracks and shifts under the influence of titanic geologic forces, can be influenced by something as insubstantial, relativey speaking, as the atmosphere and the climate!

  6. Oh. I see you already pointed that out in a link. Guess I should read all the story first.

  7. No, it was Allahreminding the people to worship him only. Apparently the Haitians needed extra reminding.

  8. Poseidon is in charge of earthquakes, not Gaia.

    Be sure to sacrifice your carbon offsets to the correct god.

  9. Kristopher--you gave me my *gigglesnort* of the day.

  10. Blasphemy!!!!

    It is poison that falls on Loki's face which makes him twist in pain, causing earthquakes.

    Yay, verily I say unto thee, my Gods will destroy your Gods!11!!1!

    By the beard of Allah, here me now and believe me later!111!


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