Monday, January 04, 2010

World still here?

I'm normally Little Miss Early Riser but, this being the Monday after the holiday season, six turned into seven turned into eight turned into zomgi'maslacker o'clock.

It doesn't help that roomie's on vacation, which causes my subconscious to think that it's Saturday.

Anyway, gotta wake up and get going; the world's not gonna make fun of itself, after all.


  1. Pthbthbthb.

    I can't sleep past eight o'clock even if I want to; kitty starts pawing at my face and complaining that "Yes I know you went ahead and got up to feed me at six like usual but then you went back to bed and I want to play!"

  2. Trust me: It's cold out, and there's nothing much happening. Go back to bed.

  3. " the world's not gonna make fun of itself, after all."

    Some days it comes pretty close, though.


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