Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Off to meet Shootin' Buddy for breakfast. I'm going to order huevos rancheros, because it's so much fun to say.


  1. Today is National Pancake Day. You can have the eggs and whatever they throw in the skillet. I will have big ass stack of pancakes fried in bacon grease. YUMMY!!!!

  2. They're fun to say...more fun to eat!

  3. I would kill for a big platter of Huevos Rancheros in my neck of the woods. Maybe there actually was something worthwhile during my 10 years in the hell that is Sacramento...

  4. Last time I had Huevos Rancheros was with chourizo sausage so hot I suffered for an hour, then again about 5 hours later.

    It was down on Fisherman's Wharf, opposite the nicely restored Libery Ship Jeremiah O'Brien, which, sadly, I didn't have enough time to visit.

    Something about being late for a wedding rehearsal. Some folks have no sense of proportion.

    It might have been the third of a bottle of tabasco...


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