Friday, February 12, 2010

c u in court, kthxbye

The Florida Supreme Court has said that it's not okay for judges and lawyers to be Facebook friends. Whether they are still allowed to refer to each other as "bff" when texting is unclear.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. I wonder if professional-oriented social networking sites like LinkedIn might pass muster - the term "contact" is, or at least appears to be, less improprietous than the term "friend."

  2. That's going to be interesting expecially in small towns when the lawyers and judges literally are friends.

  3. "What about "F*&k Buddy?""

    Last time I was in court I had the distinct impression that the opposing council was doing his best to be just that....well maybe without the buddy part.

  4. Are they allowed to meet at the Malt Shoppe after school?


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