Thursday, February 18, 2010

Deep night.

Roomie is off tuning stardrives, and I find myself staring at a part of the clock which I rarely see, thanks to a poorly-timed coffee-drinking decision. Oh well, in for a penny, up 'til dawn, or something like that. Maybe I'll get some writing done...

(And this second pot of coffee I just made is positively the lamest ever. I must have undercounted the scoops or something. Blech.)


  1. Welcome to the overnight reading-and-enjoying-Tam's-blog(s) shift!

    Good stuff, no matter the hour...

    Thanks for all the time/effort you put into it.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one still awake...

    But then, it's only 1:34AM on this side of the country.

  3. It's really regrettable that Arbuckles coffee has gone the way of the Apperson Jackrabbit. A half spoon of Arbuckles would give you a caffeine hit of about the same intensity as two spoons of 8'Oclock. Or three of Maxwell House.

    Best taken black. It tended to melt spoons. But very few Arbuckles users were anemic. Owl eyed, but not anemic.


  4. Hey Tam,
    Y'know , ditto what DJ said .Thanks for the work that you do to inform and entertain us.My schedule is crazy,varies from early mornings to late nights,but no matter when I get in the innerwebs, there's something cool at Tam's place.

  5. If I was half as cool as Tam I'd be cooler than I've ever been so far.

    So there's that.

  6. I always make coffee stronger than it should be. Since you can always water it down to taste, but its a little hard to make it stronger.

  7. Googling "Aeropress" might be a good way to spend five minutes sometime. I for one like coffee which will hold a spoon upright, and that is the simplest way I've found to make it so. (#1)



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