Monday, February 15, 2010

I was Tea Partying when Tea Partying wasn't cool.

Remember how much cooler U2 was before The Unforgettable Fire came out and all the princesses and jocks started listening to them?


  1. I saw this, read your post, and though they went together like peanut butter and chocolate.

    As for Uncle's take, I'm of the mindset that I don't care what woke up the masses, I'm just glad they're starting to take notice. I have no intention of losing allies because they've not always been allies.

  2. I'm reminded of my godmother's complaint that whenever something good would start to happen at church, someone else would get a hold of it and turn it into a "mission" -- losing the original vision in the process. You can't organize grassroots.

  3. I don't even care if they are allies, so long as they help the bad guys lose.

  4. U2 was OK until Bono had delusions of adequacy.

  5. I love that Negativland album.

  6. I actually liked Unforgettable Fire and Joshua Tree. Didn't know at the time that it was verboten to do so...

  7. I miss pre-Joshua Tree U2.

    And Robb's link reminds me of Todd Snider's Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues.

  8. U2 (Bono, more specifically) was only cool as depicted on "South Park" re: the world-record-sized turd. Hee-larious.

  9. "I actually liked Unforgettable Fire and Joshua Tree. Didn't know at the time that it was verboten to do so..."


    So did I, Gewehr98. Rattle and Hum, too. Heck, Achtung Baby is my favorite U2 album.

    It was a pop-culture joke, kind of like my F-body remarks.

  10. I should point out that -- contrary to the currently-accepted narrative -- the TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already) had its origins in 1993 Cincinnati protests against the Clinton tax hikes. Remember retroactivity?


  11. " F-body remarks."

    If you had big hair and a thing for cutoffs and tank tops, I'll understand the "Tammy" thing.

  12. Oops. My snark ain't what it used to be, Tam. I bow to the master.

  13. You (or Roberta) got till tomorrow to pull petitions.

  14. Ah ... somewhere I have "Boy" on vinyl, from Germany. Waaaay back before the interwebz, when somebody actually went to Germany and brought it back for me.

  15. "Under a Blood Red Sky" is when U2 peaked. Or maybe it was when I peaked.

  16. If U2 had plowed in after "The Joshua Tree," then they'd have been famous forever. Now they just need to stop already before they develop Rolling Stones Syndrome.

    That insufferable wossname, Boner, first and foremost.


  17. global village idiot1:47 AM, February 16, 2010

    Gloria - in te domine
    Gloria - exultate
    Gloria - Gloria
    Oh Lord, loosen my lips

    One day, Tea Partiers will reach the top of the mountain and discover that H.L. Mencken had been there the whole time.


    P.S. How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb isn't bad. I've made my peace with Bono being a turd.

  18. I attended a tea party back in April '09, and was happy to find so many like-minded people. I haven't kept up on what "The Tea Party" has morphed into, because it seems to be very confused right now.

    I think Joanna is right. You can't organize grassroots. Guess the "Tea Party Candidates" are just going to have to lay it out there and see what happens.

  19. (yawn)
    When the TEA party truly becomes just an adjunct of the (R)s, I guess they'll just have to find another label to hang on us. The votes for fiscal responsibility, less government nannying, and some measure of accountability among the weasels we send to DC won't change, no matter what the "educated classes" choose to label it. So by all means---let them continue sneering and slinging that "teabagger" slur won't help them come November. Or ever again, hopefully.

    WV: unwayed- what the (R) party has become


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