Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's not what you know, it's who you know. And how you cry.

Apparently, the crazy 'Bama prof who smoked a roomful of fellow educators recently had settled personal disagreements with a heater before. But, like most people who spark a family member and then cry a lot, it was dismissed as an accident. Allegations of string-pulling and marker-calling seem to swirl around the incident, too.


  1. Those old family shootings really come back to haunt.

  2. She shot minorities in her latest escapade. Good thing she wasn't from Alabama or we'd be hearing about what a racist she is.

  3. And I keep saying I want to go back to school...

    I remember asking for a change in the no carrying policy at UAB (in Birminham, AL) shortly after VT. The reply letter basically scolded me for suggesting such a thing and mentioned the school's 'police force.'. I have not been able to bring myself to pay for another class since then.

  4. And whaddayaknow?! Purely coincidentally, Bill Delahunt (Chavez-loving D from Mass) announces that maybe he won't run for reelection this go around.

    The fact that Congresscritter Delahunt happened to be the DA who declined to prosecute the good professor Bishop when she ventilated her brother's thorax with a scattergun has nothing - nothing! - do do with his change of heart. Probly time to spend some more time with, you know, the family.

  5. Delahunt was also Brady Endorsed.

  6. While I think it ought to be legal in some cases to kill family members, shooting a total of four folks ought to qualify her as a mass-murderer or at least serial killer status.

  7. What did that article about the earlier shooting say, she "accidentally" shot her brother three times? I've gotta go look that up again.

  8. I mentioned this earlier today.

    She claimed the gun "accidentally" went off, even though she'd previoously fired two shots.

    Her mom worked for the Chief of Police, who called it an accident and ended the investigation.

    And, mysteriously, the notes of the incident were "lost".

    Nope, no coverup here,,,

  9. Well, the gun just accidentally went off. Wait, what do you mean, I already used my "it just went off" chit?

  10. Ah, but the odds are she dropped a collection of liberals.

    Most of the libs I know are convinced that possession of a firearm in and of itself will make an otherwise stable person into a ravening sociopath.

    I can only assume that to be true, if the person involved is a liberal. I honestly believe that an unfortunately large percentile of them are not too tightly wrapped.

    The complete refusal of any meme other than the struggle to create the New Soviet Man and The End Of History is somewhat at odds with something called reality, and every now and then it rears it's ugly head and barks at them.

    I imagine it must be difficult to maintain one's doublethink while walking down a darkened urban street, completely helpless and fearful of the morlocks you helped to create.

    Has anyone found out how she came to be in possession of a right-wing infernal device? That part of the story might prove interesting.

  11. She may have mailed some pipe bombs, too, according to a post at Instapundit. Just full of love, is our little professor.

  12. Lessee now, sibling rivalry solved by fratricide, uncomplimentary reports solved with pipe bombs, and refusal to grant tenure solved with mass murder; all apparently fodder for novels...

    Eh...not much worse than some other "educators" I've known.


  13. Academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so low.

    Here it looks like our lib professor took the vicious a little too far, proibably encouraged by the fact she got away with her previous incident.

    Amazingly, as much as others are trying to pin this on the pressure-boiler that is academe, it is amazing how many profs (ie just about every single one) who are denied tenure don't go off on a shooting spree.

    Heck, a friend of my wife's at a certain university in Oregon was just denied tenure, purely for politics. Given she's only slightly to the right of Karl Marx you can imagine how far left the profs were to find her "insufficiently collegial" (yep that's the actual reason she was denied).

    Nice person and as long as we don't talk politics we get on fine. Insuffciently collegial my ...

    But amazingly no shooting spree, no bombs sent, handled it like most people do, as adults. Then again, she doesn't have that liberal entitlement thing going for her that I suspect the current shooter had in spades.

  14. @Ed, "Has anyone found out how she came to be in possession of a right-wing infernal device?"

    NY Times story, this morning:
    “Mr. Anderson [Bishop's husband] said... he did not know hat his wife allegedly [!] had a gun when she went to the meeting.
    “'I had no idea,' he said. 'We don't own one'”

    I know nozz-ing!


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