Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Me and my shovel are getting to be close friends.

I'll be clearing a path from the back door to the garage again this morning and sweeping the roomie's car clear of snow, but I'll do this with a smile on my face every day from now 'til the Fourth of July if it keeps all those bloodsucking midgets in DC from doing any more legislatin'.

Meantime, this is the longest the Bimmer has been garage-bound since I moved here. I've no doubt I could slither to the nearest cleared main artery if I had to, but why risk it when I can walk where I need to go?


  1. Weather like this, I take Keystone at rush hour on purpose. I'll be crawling along at five miles an hour anyway, so why not go where everyone is doing it?

    Of course, being surrounded by drive-and-text women and dudes who only clear three of the six windows on their compensationmobiles kind of defeats the purpose.

  2. This is the first time since I've moved here that there's been enough snow on the ground for long enough that I thought snow tires might be nice.

  3. Don't forget toput a couple of 40# bags of kitty litter in the trunk....

  4. Because driving on snow and ice is actually kind of fun.

    (I love large parking lots with no one on them. Watch out for buried parking bumps though.)

  5. The gov being out for the day yesterday just made driving in the DC suburbs go from being normally painful to being nearly impossible.

    Damn bureaucrats should stay home where they belong.

  6. Like I I said, "it's An Ill Blizzard That Snows No Good..."

    Notes to any reading these comments who are not familiar with snow:
    1) The kitty litter is for added weight. Do not attempt to use kitty litter as a traction aid by spreading it on snow or ice. A slick mess will result.
    2) re: Joanna's re: Clearing windows: Clear 'em all, clear the lights, clear the hood, roof, and trunk deck as well. Trust me on this. (Winter Safety)

  7. Like Kevin Baker quotes Perlhaqr over at Smallest Minority: you'll need that shovel when the Green Police try to take your BMW and leave an Audi in its place...

  8. Hey, as long as the Green Police leave an Audi S4 or S5, or a TTS or R8, they can show up frickin' tomorrow. (A quattro, please!)

  9. I have a 4WD Tacoma ('99, bought used) and times like this are when I love it most. I have a couple bags of salt in the bed, 'cause I have no kitties, and as D.W.Drang noted above, it's not much good for traction. I also think having one-a those folding trench-tools under the seat is nifty, in case you get in a real jam.
    Anon, 9:59---I learned to skid-steer in a '73 Dodge Dart in abandoned parking lots during rainy/snowy days. And yeah, it's a blast!! No good in the truck, tho. Even without 4WD locked in, it's almost depressingly sure-footed.

  10. I keep an e-tool (thanks, Jenn!) and a Marlin Papoose (thanks, Shootin' Buddy!) in case I get stuck and need to either A) dig out, or B) dine on squirrels and fellow stranded motorists while awaiting rescue.

  11. I've got 50 pounds of sand and my avalanche shovel in the "trunk" and Blizzaks on my C230 coupe and I get around just fine in the ice and snow up here in the AK.

    I only run into trouble on unplowed streets. If the fresh snow is deep enough the car kinda floats until I can spin the tires down to the sub-pack. Other than that I might as well be on bare pavement.

    WV: reackinn - ackinn again, what else?


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