Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new level of highbrow political discourse:

Roland Martin says:
Obama's critics keep blasting him for Chicago-style politics. So, fine. Channel your inner Al Capone and go gangsta against your foes.

To which I can only reply:


  1. Is she doing that Tejas Longhorns salute thing?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Someone has forgotten which end of the political spectrum has all the guns.

  3. Seems to me like he's already tried to steamroll his way over his political opponents, the Constitution, the American public and common sense...and the result was not pretty.

    So, yeah, let's have him keep it up so he and all his cronies (on and off The Hill) look even more like the idiots they are.

  4. go gangsta?

    That isn't like going Galt is it?

    What in the world is with lefties and threats? Cut that shit out.

    Or, you know, eat shit and die.

  5. When I saw Roland Martin in your post title, I thought, "OH, NO! That good ol' boy fisherman with the TV show and the marina near here on Lake Okeechobee is an Obamite, and a wannabe Militant Obamite to boot?

    Thank goodness it wasn't him, and I've never heard of this CNN dweeb. And it's a good thing, too...the Roland that I know (met him at his marina once), likely has the tools with which to "go gangsta", but I doubt those words would ever form in his mind, let alone exit his mouth.

    So what to say to this other Roland? Tam's got Wonder Woman all lined up; I think I'll conjure up yet another Roland as my mentor when the gangstas come calling...the one with the Thompson gun. Thanks, W.Z.!

    Al Terego

  6. Alternative titles:

    "Do it again, only harder!"

    "Roland Martin for Press Secretary!"

  7. Yada, yada, yada...
    Bush left office with over 100 appointees that the Democraps refused to even vote up or down.
    Typical Liberal - "Give me what I want RIGHT NOW or I'll hold my breath until I turn purple and pop and it'll be all YOUR FAULT!!"

    word verification mallite- an evil mineral

  8. "Someone has forgotten which end of the political spectrum has all the guns."

    Last I checked, the other side, while maybe not in actual physical control of them, has command authority over millions of guns, most of which are of types/sizes illegal for you to own, and some of which are attached to aircraft/vehichles capable of doing things and going places you can only imagine....

    ..... that and they have the bully pulpit and the mouthpiece of the mass media to justify anything they might decide to do..... because it's not like they'll come to your house and shoot your wife in the face or burn your house down around you anytime they feel like it or anything like that....., wait.....

  9. What made me spit out the tea and laugh is the fact that the Mrs and I just last night watched the pilot episode of the Linda Carter 'Wonder Woman" series.

  10. Lynda Carter?
    Here I thought that was a younger shot of Tam!!

    Me too silly!
    Me go shoot cardboard now!

  11. Pfft. I'm more gangsta than Barack Obama, and I'm the living epitome of Captain Whitebread.

  12. I didn't think I could like you any more and then you go and post a Wonder Woman photo.

    Made my day. Thanks, Tam.

    (WV: suretall. LOL)

  13. I don't think my sister and I ever missed an episode. :D

  14. jimbob86: If they start shooting, we will simply kill them.

    And those millions of firearms don't carry themselves, they are carried by people like us ... right wing gun nuts.

    Obama will run out of live ATF agents pretty damned fast if push comes to shove.

  15. Kristopher:

    That's not how I remember those afforementioned incidents going down...... those religious gun nuts in Texas got their compound burnt to the ground and the few that escaped went to jail, and as Col. Cooper so often reminded us, Lon Horiuchi is a free man. Hell, he even makes money giving product endorsements.

  16. jimbob -

    Agreed. That's not how they went down. PAST TENSE. But that was then, and this is now. We're much closer to the situation that developed in Unintended Consequences, and I can easily see the government getting too heavy handed and needing a serious attitude adjustment. Unfortunately, that means people will die, on both sides of the issue. It will be up to THEM, if it comes to that.

  17. Obama?

    What's an Obama?

  18. I'm liking the pictures.

  19. > We're much closer to the situation that
    > developed in Unintended Consequences

    While I enjoyed Mr. Ross's novel as much as anybody, I think Matt Bracken's "Enemies Foreign And Domestic" is a much more likely picture of the future.

  20. Jimbob,

    With Waco, it was a small group in a single compound. The Feds haven't got enough manpower to move against all the vocal and/or organized pro-second amendment group, much less every gun-owner in the country. Any big move on their part would likely trigger a response by folks like the Three Percenters and the Oath Keepers, and it wouldn't be the door-kickers that would be in their sights. TPTB might be willing to fight to the last Special Agent, but I'm not so sure they're willing to fight to the last Deputy Director, much less the folks higher up the food chain.


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