Friday, February 19, 2010

Posting delay.

Roomie caught me off guard by frying up some bacon and eggs this AM.

Posting will resume after I put them in my face.


  1. Bacon isn't always the answer!

    But then again, it's almost never the wrong answer...

  2. Bacon being a rare and precious commodity, I had to settle for leftover white rice, heated in a skillet with broccoli microwaved the night before and eventually coated with a nice batch of scrambled eggs. Quick, easy, filling ... could've used some ketchup, though.

  3. I never will get the whole ketchup on eggs thing. Just seems weird to me.

    I guess to each his own. Lucky for you I'm not one of those liberal assholes or I would be trying to drum up support for a "ketchup on eggs" ban.

    You know... for your own good.


  4. Everyone to their own taste. Some like to add ketchup to bean soup and call it chile.


  5. You put beans in chili? Ewwww!

  6. Ketchup goes on scrambled eggs and egg-based breakfast dishes (like casseroles and the above rice thing). Other than that, salt and pepper suffice.

    WV: expickl. Is that when you drain off the vinegar and let it become a cucumber again?

  7. staghounds:

    If bacon isn't the answer, then you are asking the wrong question.

  8. Bacon - I helped cook for the Men's Fraternity breakfast at church this morning - bacon, sausage patties (BIG ones, breakfast sandwich sized), eggs (scrambled), potato bake, biscuits and fresh fruit (mostly) salad - for 70 men.

  9. Damn, Lance beat me to it.

    Jim (who also had bacon this morning, albeit with waffles.)


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