Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is turning into a regular feature...

The Indianapolis Red Star has engaged in (quelle surprise!) a bit of selective "Letters to the Editor" publishing in continued pursuit of the zomg guns! bedwettery it has by way of an editorial agenda. RobertaX takes them to task.


  1. Are driving license or vehicle registration information public records? Can just anyone get a list?

    How about medical or nursing licenses?

    Those are MUCH more like Indiana carry permits.

    Of course, talking about those kinds of records doesn't put gun owners and rapists in the same sentence, does it?

  2. "Are driving license or vehicle registration information public records? Can just anyone get a list?"

    Not without a warrant, I don't think they should be, but I'm willing to eat this elephant a bite at a time.

  3. I'm not sure about the laws in the land of wasted air, but many states are selling this information to marketing companies and identity thieves.

  4. "Sure, no criminal would ever look up my info on the gun-permit list, then watch my house and break in to steal guns when I am at work. Of course not. It would never, ever happen." -RobertaX

    THAT would be a FOOL thing to do.

    Assuming no one is home because somebody went to work would be .... quite probably fatal.

    .... but then again, someone who steals for a living probably has not figured out that what he does not know may very well kill him.

  5. But JimBob, then the rapidly-cooling-perp's survivors could sue the state for allowing those records to be published, thereby entrapping their beloved choir boy and luring him into this horrible crime!


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