Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Were I Sarah Palin...

...I'd doodle a little teleprompter in the palm of my hand before my next speech.

Just sayin'...


  1. That would REALLY piss the Hopenchange Acolytes off!

    Prolly also be "Proof" that Mrs. Palin is a racist.

  2. Seems to me there's a wee tad of difference between two or three reminders on your hand, vs. your entire package on an electronic brain-box.


  3. The ObaMaoists don't need any more "proof".
    Tam, I hope you emailed your suggestion to Gov Palin

  4. Could she say that she was using her Palm-Pilot?

  5. Whatever happened to 3x5 index card's for a speech presentation? Bulleted key points or references you didn't want to overlook or misquote. That's what I was taught in instructor development and PIO school's. A slight nudge or aid is one thing, a projection screen of the entire speech is another matter all together.

  6. My first thought after Gibbs mocked here was that she should hold her hand outstretched, head high, to the left. Look at it, keep head there, move hand to the right, then follow with head, move hand left, then..........

  7. She should just write the following in her palm:

    Chris Matthews = JERK

    Andrew Sullivan = CREEP

    Barack Obama = WRONG

  8. And I thought "Hi Mom!" was fun. :)

    Really, it wouldn't matter if she did differential calculus with one hand while quoting Sophocles from memory. The narrative is she's a dummy. All Republicans are by definition stupid or evil, and she's obviously (1).

    But please Left, please keep pimping this - and alienate everyone who ever gave a speech in junior high.

  9. Sport Pilot said...
    Whatever happened to 3x5 index card's for a speech presentation? Bulleted key points or references you didn't want to overlook or misquote. That's what I was taught in instructor development and PIO school's. A slight nudge or aid is one thing, a projection screen of the entire speech is another matter all together.

    12:05 PM, February 10, 2010

    I'm betting that the Lightbringer can't read a 3x5 card without reading glasses.
    It's kind of hard to appeal to the college crowd as a new, young face when you are wearing bi-focals ( even hidden line lenses) or reading glasses.
    It's hard for most peolpe to accept wearing reading glasss if they haven't worn them most of their lives anyway.

    I'm reminded me of a picture of a WW2 era leader that he x-ed out because it showed him with reading glasses on.

  10. I still think it would be hilarious to hack the TOTUS and deliver some justice a la Ron Burgundy. Maybe one of these 'Cybercriminals' of 'Internet Terrorists could pull this off? That would be the ultimate props.

  11. I can't wait for the time Sarah Palin gets elected to be prez.

    That will be the time another batch of dolts gets to feel all "betrayed". As if one politcritter could be different. (And, no, she can't be another Reagan. Because, your printing presses have been running hot for too long..)

    Guess what... It's not about politicians, those are about as important as teleprompters, it's about their "backers, sponsors.." whatever you call them, and you can't pick them.

    They can pick you off, though, if you don't behave.

  12. As VK said, she should have written "Not Penny's Boat."

    But that would have killed the ratings as half of the viewers of the show abandoned it for fear of being tainted by the association.

  13. "Schadenfreude",

    Bitter much? Jealous, maybe?

    "Brain-scanning studies show that schadenfreude is correlated with envy. Strong feelings of envy activated physical pain nodes in the brain's dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; the brain's reward centers (e.g. the ventral striatum) were activated by news that the people envied had suffered misfortune."

    FWIW, I don't think Sarah would be a cure-all; but of the really bleak crop of people that might wind up on the ticket in'12, she's the least crappy. At least she wouldn't make an ass of herself when seeing a bar code scanner in a grocery store checkout line for the first time...

  14. I'd just draw a big ole dong on it with "Bob Gibbs hearts" in front of it.

  15. All this fuss over a Redneck Palm Pilot (TM).

    The anti-Palin doofi can't fault what she said so they have to find SOMETHING about her speech to attack.

    Whether or not Ms. Palin is the best conservative candidate remains to be seen, but given the choices the GOP has offered over the last few years _I_ could vote for her.

    WV: redsoma - Aldous Huxley meets Woodstock? "We got some reports of some bad Soma...don't ead the red Soma!"

  16. I'm still worried that they're going to offer me Governor Cornpone or Rudy again...

  17. Of all the muckity mucks that ran last time, I liked Fred Thompson the best. Yet most got the feeling he didn't want the job, I can only say that it speaks to his intelligence.

    I don't hate Palin, I just don't think she's qualified to run this country. Much the same way Obama isn't. If she'd, you know, done something besides be a two year Governor or something.

    At this rate, we'll be having 17 year old juniors running on their Hope and Change or quirky "aw shucks" down to earthiness.

  18. Oh, I'm definitely hoping somebody can scare up a real candidate between now and '12. I'd be tickled pink to vote for somebody for a change...

  19. I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, what a hypocrite. Palin’s hand job just shows all of us what kind of dullard we are up against, I have not seen this since junior high. She is so perfect for "Fake News". WOW and some call her a leader….please.

  20. And this is why I lurk here.
    Now, to clean off my keyboard.

  21. "Milton",

    If you are going to call people "dullards", it would behoove you to edit your posts a little better. See the above post re: "Irony".

  22. I am glad I found this place! Work will be much better now! Go get 'em Tam!

  23. @Tam

    Sticking people into NMR's is easy, though expensive, but interpreting the results correctly is no donut. There's a lot of insufficiently rigorous 'science'.

    Better be bitter than live through lies, I think.

  24. "Better be bitter than live through lies, I think."

    And when you find that happy land where politicians tell the truth and live up to expectations, let me know; you and I can skip there together hand-in-hand, singing "Kumbaya".

    what saddens me about the last few administrations is that my expectations are so very low, and they still can't live up to them.

  25. "I'd be tickled pink to vote for somebody for a change..."

    I know you missed your chance before, but according to this post from comments at Marko's by W'eerd Beard, it may not be too late...and bonus, Palin is perfect for vice.

    You could say that this is disrespectful, and it surely is meant to demean Sarah and company, but the joke's on them...because as you once said "I'd vote for Ronnie's rotting corpse before anybody on the scene right now."
    And you are not alone.

    Zombie Ronnie? Put it to a vote, and my money says he'd tally higher than all contenders on both sides of the spectrum combined.

    Al Terego

  26. Why just one? Doodle a 'prompter in either hand, and hold them up on either side of your face.


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