Monday, February 22, 2010

What in the wide, wide world of sports is goin' on out there?

Already having a publicly-accessible list of sex offenders, a couple of California lawmakers have decided that it would be swell if their state had one for dog-kickers, too.

Next up, a publicly accessible list of people who don't separate the clear glass from the colored glass in their recycling bins.

(And, yes, I am well aware that one of the best signs of a budding monster is torturing animals as a child, but being juvenile offenses, one would presume that these would not make the list...)


  1. And the bed wetter list can't be far behind...

  2. I'm not at all certain that the legiscritters would volunteer themselves for listing.

  3. I assume anyone with a hunting license would make the list. All dog breeders and trainers as well.

  4. Well, they've already chased egg production out of the state; I guess this will put paid to their domestic bacon supply.

  5. I've noticed people that don't like themselves or the immoral decisions they've made over their lives tend to go in for crap like this. Government's the new religion.

  6. Sort of related to the legal maxim that any law that can be abused will be abused.

    This notion is akin to Boyle's Law. The more a law is used the less impact it has.

    The problem is that we have lawyers dealing with social problems. Lawyers will always seek to copy laws that were "successful" in other areas and apply this via analogy to the current problem.

    The solution lies in mommies and daddies, not lawyers. However, the Left has been doing everything they can to destroy mommies and daddies so we are left with lawyers.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. Oddly enough, the most views of any blog post I ever wrote are on much this same general subject. Comment flame wars, cross popsts, got me quoted in the N. Y. Post even! Amazing coincidence.

    In all the years I've been a prosecutor, the only times I have ever seen direct public pressure (petitions, letters, telephone calls from strangers) to hammer defendants have been in animal cruelty cases.

    I understand the motive, and untill state wide records are checkable, it makes sense. It makes WAY MORE SENSE for there to be a forgery/fraud/bad check registry.

  8. How about we just have everyone's government files open to everyone?

    Or we could have a "not a nice person" list. We could start by putting every congressman on it.

  9. The only time I witnessed a city council meeting break down into a free for all was when an animal issue came up. An employee kicked a duck. The room was full of people ready to tear apart anyone who supported the employee.

  10. "And, yes, I am well aware that one of the best signs of a budding monster is torturing animals as a child..."

    Careful with the assumptions, there.

    It is true that people-harming monsters have an unusually high propensity for having hurt animals. (Disposable animals are far more accessible.) It might even approach all of them. But the status of having abused, neglected, or even tortured animals has not been proven to be a predictor that one will become a people-harmer.

    It's like saying that people with penises are going to grow up to be rapists. Well, most rapists have male genitalia, but most men are not rapists. The premise is not sound. Inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning.

  11. A system of color-coded badges or patches to be worn in public would probably be simpler.

  12. Strange. Josh Marquis is usually a pretty straight up fellow. This does seem a bit out in left field for him.

  13. Somebody go back and get a shitload of dimes!!

  14. MattG,

    "Careful with the assumptions, there."

    Then I have been mislead.

    (Although the reasoning seems sound to me: Anybody who would deliberately, and not through negligence, inflict gratuitous pain on a living creature for no gain other than their own pleasure at watching it suffer, is pretty suspect in my book. The important qualifiers are the ones in italics, of course.)


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