Sunday, March 07, 2010

Bang bang shoot shoot.

Getting ready to go shooting with Caleb; I've let him talk me into running through an IDPA classifier to see how bad I really am. I'll be tickled if I score better than whatever comes below "Helen Keller".

I'll be shooting my Para LTC9, partly because it's got good sights and is ridiculously easy to shoot well, and partly because I'm a lot better stocked with 9mm ammo than .45ACP at the moment.


  1. Good times!

    I predict... you will score top half of the range, and probably make Caleb wince a little bit at the competition.

  2. Who said I'm shooting? ;)

    I kid, I kid, I'm shooting my 686SSR from Smith & Wesson, but it's the first time I've shot it and I'm still trying to figure out these "speedloader" things. Why do they call them speedloaders if they're SO SLOW?

  3. Great!

    Remember IDPA and USPSA is all about having fun. I hope you have a good time. Remember you haven't lived till you have had to shoot through a barrel trying to make head shoots on targets 2 feet away and missing them. ;-) Have fun!

  4. You girls have fun!

  5. Everybody's got someone they can pwn.

  6. I chickened out: too early, too cold.

  7. Heh, shooting the qualifier is always entertaining. If i'm not mistaken, the Para LTC9 will put you in the Enhanced Service Pistol division. Have fun ...

  8. This will require an update.

    Also... you never commented on "Starving the Monkeys". What did you think of the book? I'm still working my way through it as time (and internet addiction)permits.

  9. Just use it to evaluate what you need to work on.

    Stage 3 sucks. :>

    Have fun


  10. Go caleb!! You will be slower but more accurate! and i bet your reloading skills will improve very rapidly.


  11. atlharp,

    "Remember you haven't lived till you have had to..."

    I don't know where you've gotten the impression that this is my first rodeo. :p


    "If i'm not mistaken, the Para LTC9 will put you in the Enhanced Service Pistol division. Have fun ..."

    Yeah, I didn't stop and think that one through very well. :D

  12. Bah ... just shoot what yer comfy with.

    I shocked the hell out of the folks at Mr. Completely's blogger pin shoot by placing second with a .480 Ruger SRH.

    Inspired him to start an oversized revolver class at his local shoots in Kitsap.

  13. Have fun, and score well! These two things are often related... ;)

  14. I took it twice and I'm STILL a Novice but with a better score. ;~)

    When you qualify you can shoot postal matches! Shot my first one last year. It was a hoot!

    Hope you have fun!

  15. I shot Marksman the first time I shot a classifier, late last year... with a revolver. You should have no problem getting MM, but I expect you to get SS... the targets are ridiculously close (for shooting, it's realistic for these kinds of scenarios).


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