Monday, March 08, 2010

Bowdler, Grundy, Comstock, and Levco.

The Hoosier prosecutor who wanted to run the evil DVD dispensing machines out of Vanderburgh County, Indiana has backed off.

Maybe somebody pointed out to him that in order for the tots to get their hands on a copy of Saw XLVI or American Pie: Sorority Sisters from one of the automated kiosks, they'd need to have already boosted mommy or daddy's credit card, and their morals were therefore already far enough gone in lying and stealing that a simulated traumatic amputation or sorority shower scene was unlikely to damage them any further.

No word as to whether Reverend Moore is going to relent and let Vanderburgh County youth engage in dancing and rock music listening at this year's prom.


  1. Evansville has gone all Footloose?

    Six degrees of Kevin Bacon as applied to law enforcement?

    My question: did the Prosecuting Attorney make his announcement not to prosecute the evil red boxs of death from the deck of the river boat docked at Evansville?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. When a friend of mine was in the PA's office of a Central Indiana county, someone brought in a book purchased at a large chain bookstore which featured nekkid teens in soft focus and sunlight. It was all surreal artsy crap; I remember one kid was nekkid with a chicken on this head.

    We took an entire Friday afternoon to review the book and decide that it did not merit prosecution.

    A House of Repeal a la The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is long overdue to thin down the criminal code.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Did they run Saw all the way up to release XLVI ?

    I can only remember XLII ...

    On a more serious note, how are they gonna keep the ISP's in the State from providing kids with internet-sites which will allow them to purchase much more Adult Fare...usually via a credit card...or for free, if they hit the right video-site.

    But no, those Big Red Boxes are New And Dangerous. They Must Be Stopped!

  4. "On a more serious note, how are they gonna keep the ISP's in the State from providing kids with internet-sites which will allow them to purchase much more Adult Fare...usually via a credit card...or for free, if they hit the right video-site."

    Shhh! Dude, if they find out about this, they'll ban all pictures from the intertubes! For the children!

  5. It's not about "morality"; it is about economic rent seeking.

    The person that brought in the book to the PA's office where my friend worked from the large chain store . . . worked for a smaller locally owned bookstore.

    The attorney that complained about the eeevil red boxes of death . . . who do you think his client was? A video rental chain across the street from CVS and its red box of death?

    Alcohol laws? Sunday sales? The money. Remember Indiana's Beer Baron laws to control the number of demon rum peddlers? Yes, it was about the money.

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. FWIW, kids don't need to swipe (pun intended) mommy's credit card to rent from a kiosk. Not only can you be something like 14 and get your very own debit card from some financial institutions, but as long as you can toddle up to the cash register you can buy a prepaid Visa Card and use that to rent DVDs from the kiosk or buy anything from any place that doesn't have some other way of verifying your age.

    The days of assuming that if someone has a MasterCard or Visa then they're obviously an adult have been gone for years now.

  7. Having grown up in Eville... not really surprised. Sigh.

  8. You are not surprised that the PA decided this was no big deal?

    What are you sighing about? This happens everywhere. A business competitor waves his arms and shouts "immoral, illegal, immoral", an elected official wakes up from his nap and launches an "investigation".

    This happens every day, everywhere.

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. Not that I mind the polite fiction, but DOGS have gotten credit cards in this country.

    Seriously, there was a guy in the TV some months ago who got aa application sent to his dog, he filled it out and affixed a paw print over the signature.

    Presto! His Beagle now had his own card and a credit rating.

    I'm pretty sure the IQ of your basic 14 year old is still, despite public schooling, high enough to at least get a debit card that's co-branded or something.


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