Friday, March 19, 2010

"Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms."

If you want to see nature's cleanup crew in action, Robert at Blackfork Blog has turned an automated deer camera to a slightly grislier function: Dead Cow Cam.

Really neato, albeit in a creepy, "sure glad it's not filmed in smell-o-vision" sorta way.


  1. Thanks for the link! I knew you was a classy broad!

  2. Actually, the odor isn't bad, though you wouldn't want this in your carport. So far I'm resisting the urge to roll on it.

  3. Saw one dead racoon in the middle of my road the other day; just scooped it up w a shovel and threw it in the garbage can before the dogs decided to catch a disease.

    Saw a second racoon this morning, in broad daylight, dragging itself along with two legs. Was tempted to get my .22, put it out of its misery, and shovel it ... but that's "discharging a firearm within city limits" here in the People' Republic, so I called the cops.

    Bureaucracy creates its own rationale for existence.

  4. *Sniff* Reminds me of home, back in Orissa...

  5. I have set my trail camera up several times to see what disposes of the bodies of dead feral hogs. It was coyotes, raccoons, possums, crows, and hawks. The most entertaining was a video clip of a sow pushing around the body of a dead coyote.

  6. Don't need it filmed in smell-o-vision. Had a pavlova response, held my breath because of the smell. I know there's no smell but spent time on my uncles dairy farm growing up. So thanks Tam.

  7. TJIC needs to find a state like Ohio where you can leave the city.

    While I'm working to get my neighborhood out of the city, if they reject the idea, my property line borders the unincorporated line so I can at least get my house out of the city.

    Then I'm free to bang way at critters in the trash can.

  8. Don't forget the ants; they bat cleanup. I've seen the Disposal Squad turn an 800-pound cow into scattered white bones in two weeks.

    Smell? I doubt there'd be much audience for war movies were they filmed in Smellovision...



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