Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fear and Loading.

So Sarah Palin made the mistake of using "reload" in a Tweet yesterday, perhaps since "redouble your efforts" or "step up the fight" would have used too many characters.

As a result, the chick on the Today Show this morning, who was busy passing notes the day they covered "metaphor", was in the throes of full-blown Type 7 PSH, apparently convinced that Sarah's toothless cousin-humping minions were about to batter down the studio doors and lynch everyone who could read with their own neckties.

Then she asked Senator McCain what conservative lawmakers had to say about all this, like he'd know.

I missed what happened next because I went for more popcorn.


  1. Did they cover which Chicago thug said to "get in their faces and punch back twice as hard"?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. "batter down the studio doors and lynch everyone who could read with their own neckties"

    There are times I feel that this would be a good start.....

  3. That tingle means it's working.

  4. batter down the studio doors and lynch everyone who could read with their own neckties.


  5. John McCain surely must know some conservative lawmakers, or what passes for 'em in Congress these days.

    Maybe he has lunch with them once a week?

  6. Note to self: You cannot read with a necktie, read the sentence again...

    (I plead a lack of coffee the first time I read that one)

    As for the PSH, I'm not surprised.


  7. They can get that worked up about Sarah's metaphors, but seem unfazed when Alcee Hastings says, "there are no rules...we make 'em up as we go along." Or when Big Black Al says, "when the people voted for Barack Obama, they knew it was a vote for socialism." Or pretty much anything Biden/Pelosi/Reid has said for the past year or so. And insist, with a perfectly straight face, that there's no effort at all to attack or discredit Sarah Palin. Huh.

    WV: colionvi- What level of PSH is that?

  8. ... and lynch everyone who could read with their own neckties.

    The talking heads can read? I thought they just lip synched while someone off camera dubbed for them...

    WV: condogg What a gun-toting DU member calls a libertarian. "Fill yer hands, you condogg!"


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