Sunday, March 21, 2010

For what we are about to receive...

"Don't do it for me. Don't do it for Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid," he said. "Do it for all those people out there who are struggling."
That's right! You tell 'em Barry! Do it to for The People! You can tell The People want it by the throngs of cheering crowds gathered on the Capitol steps, urging the passage of this bill.

Oh, wait...


  1. Tamara, Good Morning.

    Served on the LA, the first 688 sub. Cavitation is a sub's nemesis. Those bubbles create a sound which is easily homed in on, by both other subs and surface ships, so you can easily understand any sub service's desire to not cavitate when underway.

    The only time a sub would not necessarily be concerned about cavitation would be if it was attempting to haul ass away from some immediate threat.

  2. We're struggling, all right, but it's because they've got us cornered in a dark alley and they won't let go of our arm. What's the political equivalent of pepper spray?

  3. Here's hoping the Obama Curse strikes again...

  4. I thought you were gonna say, "Do it to Julia!"

  5. You know, being snarky about that one is about as difficult as.. well, something easy.

    This is not to suggest that it shouldn't be done.



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