Sunday, March 21, 2010

I wish I had some of them there "layers of oversight".

The number of errors in this article is truly annoying...
On July 1, gun owners can keep a handgun in their car at work, as long as it is properly registered* and secured.

"Manufacturers now, on new guns, they ship a gun lock," said Burg.

The lock will be required† on all guns sitting in workplace parking lots. But the new law is not getting a ringing endorsement from the business community.

If you do that in an 8th grade school paper, you get an F; if you do it at a local media outlet, they just run that baby.

Hire some fact checkers, people.

* Neither guns nor their owners are registered in this state, contrary to what you heard on Law & Order last night.

†Bzzt! The gun must be locked in the vehicle to meet the letter of the law. If you want to festoon your heater itself with cable locks, chains, and then duct-tape it inside a shoe box riveted to the floorboard, that's peachy, but all the state cares about is that you locked your car door.


  1. And, as we all suffer from the Gall-Mann effect, we think that somehow half of the story on page 1 about events in Italy or India or the Department of Justice ate not entirely wrong, too.

    If someone who worked for me told me two things that were factually, objectively,and easily verifiably wrong, he would be fired right now.

    But that reporter will still be writing stories (rewriting press releases)for the same rag tomorrow.

  2. I'm thinkin' the next battle will be when the first employer demands the make, model, serial number, caliber, fired cartridge case and ballistic sample of any employee's handgun.

  3. The w/v: boymoran.

    As in, boy what a moran.


  4. "I'm thinkin' the next battle will be when the first employer demands the make, model, serial number, caliber, fired cartridge case and ballistic sample of any employee's handgun."

    The actual text of HB 1065 (here) says nothing about registration.

  5. Here's hoping the Texas legislature will someday see the light on this issue. We got close during the last session, but the bill was procedurally spiked at the last minute.

  6. What kind of idiot doesn't lock their car to begin with?

  7. Tam: I apologize as I don't have time to read the House Bill, but I have a question.

    Under the prior law it was legal to have a gun on school grounds if it was locked in the car. (handguns required the pink card, not necessary for the long guns IF YOU WERE AN ADULT.) I'm pretty sure that was the law because we looked it up over at the station house one day researching a local 'situation'.

    Did the law change with regards to school property?

    In other words, now you can have a gun in your vehicle if locked inside the vehicle on your employer's property, but no longer on school grounds when you attend your kids ball games?

    If that's the case, Yeah, we won, but we also LOST...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  8. Fact checking? Ha!

    The Omaha World Herald had a Headline this AM reporting on the hippies in DC protesting the wars in "Iran and Afghanistan" on Saturday ....

    .....Hell, sometimes I would just like them to be able to spell their inaccuracies correctly. These .... individuals(?) ..... were "Journalism" majors ..... isn't that in the English Department in most schools? If the proof is in the pudding, that does not say much for the state of supposedly "higher" education....

  9. Tam--
    I know and applaud the fact that Indiana doesn't require/allow the government to register handguns; I was referring to an employer requiring the information; after all, many employers collect their employees' car's make, model, and tag numbers "just so we know who's parking in our lot".

    Isn't this the next "logical" step?

  10. That little fact that neither guns nor their owners aer "registered" is going to break some hearts.

  11. @Joanna: uhm, I never lock my car. Never. I leave the keys in it when I go to the local Wal-mart.

    For years on end, I parked my Harley at the curb in front of my house with the keys hanging out of it all night long. Nobody ever laid a finger on it.


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