Monday, March 29, 2010

Live, from the U.S. Das Kapital building:

I give you the Senator from Montana:

That's Montana Senator Max "Rummy" Baucus, apparently having another "in vino, veritas" moment. While it's good to see that Ted Kennedy's public intoxication torch has been well and truly passed, the guy's sentiments are downright disturbing. If this is what he's willing to slur into a mic under floodlights, then imagine what goes on in the back rooms of his pickled cerebellum.

Jesus wept, people! I thought you Montanans were all hairy-chested and independent and 'Murrican 'n' everything out there? Your senator sounds like the love child of Cynthia McKinney and Vladimir Lenin! Can you not do something about him?

(H/T to Thunder Tales.)


  1. Everybody leave me alone, now give me my BLM land and lots of other free stuff!

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. The love child of Cynthia McKinney and Vladimir Lenin? Geez, Louise, be careful with your imagery. That sort of thing can scar a person for life.

  3. I might not be moving to montana soon. Unless I raise me up a crop of dental floss. I hear it can be braided into a strong rope.

  4. "Everybody leave me alone, now give me my BLM land and lots of other free stuff!"

    They're kin to midwestern conservatives who inexplicably hate communists but love farm subsidies, which has got to cause some kind of internalized angst.

  5. The "maldistribution of income" in this country is mainly caused by a maldistribution of sociopathy, slothfulness and plain old whining.

    Stupid rambling shithead Baucus. On this side of the IRS, income isn't distributed, it's earned.

  6. Wow. Doesn't this guy have a handler? His party needs to appoint somebody to steer him away from microphones.

  7. Joel,

    Google around some for "Baucus drunk"; he's obviously sans handler.

  8. I'll bet he and Joe share one. What a maroon.


  9. I got to know Baucus in 1984 when I was supposedly advising the campaign of a dull fellow drafted to try to beat him. Even then he had figured the Montana scene perfectly -- Baucus as Alan Alda up around the California- infested ski areas, John Wayne elsewhere. And, as you say, he never met an ag subsidy he didn't like.

    He was a drunk then, too, and he may have learned it from the Kennedys whose protege he was.

  10. "Wealthy Americans have become way too wealthy..."

    What ya'll need out there is a little incumbency redestribution.

    Come to think of it, that's what we need right across the board.


  11. Tam -

    :^} I've worked hard to achieve my current level of political illiteracy. Though I could guess from the tenor of his drunken comments, and could have confirmed if I'd looked at the "D" behind his name, I didn't even know he was a Dem let alone that he had a Kennedyesque rep as a drunk.

    I know incumbents have big advantages and all, but I do sometimes wonder why voters put up with pols like this. I'll go ahead and guess it has a lot to do with pork.

  12. Nice to know that Congress thinks they've got a magic wand and can fix anything and grant "rights" to everyone.

    Tell me, ma'am, how do we go about waking up the general citizenry from the spell that's obviously been cast upon them?

  13. "They're kin to midwestern conservatives who inexplicably hate communists but love farm subsidies, which has got to cause some kind of internalized angst."

    It's not inexplicable that we hate communists. Hell, I grew up in a farm family -- both sides -- and Daddy was a John Deere dealer. The problem, Tam, isn't that we lurve us some farm subsidies, it's that the agricultural economy has resembled a free market in no particular for the past, oh, eighty years or so; been saying that since I was knee-high to a short grasshopper. Farmers can't survive without subsidies anymore because the Dept. Of Ag. under serial administrations on both sides of the aisle has, in my view deliberately, made it impossible to do so.

    Between Agriculture and the EPA, it's damn near impossible to flatulate on your own property anymore without prior permission and a couple hundred pages of post-event compliance documentation. And G-d forefend that a farmer should have some kind of idea about providing post-harvest value-added goods or services; Archer Daniels Midland and Smithfield Foods would (and have) engage in a paroxysm of lobbying for tighter restrictions and ridiculous regulation on such activity.

    You know, "rent seeking" . . .


    wv: "chevity" -- General Motors car jokes.

  14. The Sport, of sorts, will be up for election again in 2014.

    I don't get a vote - unless conditions force a move - but surely there is someone in Big Sky country who can hold their likker. And vote yea on every pro-gun measure.


  15. He sounds like Foster Brooks, for those of you old enough to remember him. If you aren't, do a search and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  16. Mark B.: My grandpa, rest his soul, always said the EPA was one of the greatest threats to our country. Wise man, my grandpa.

    He died three weeks before O's inauguration, probably on purpose.

  17. Google around some for "Baucus drunk"
    Are We Lumberjacks? has done it for you.

    WV: rationm. I'm guessin' that would be bureaucratese for MREs.

  18. Joel,

    Wasn't chiding; just suggesting other sources for vidjo entertainment. If these clowns are going to keep ruining my life, I wish they'd all be as amusing as Max while doing it.

    Sign me "Amused To Death". :D

  19. Mark B.,

    Not for nothing did P.J. O'Rourke refer to the Dept. of Agriculture as "Moscow on the Potomac". ;)

  20. Baucus gets elected/appointed by the UMW folks in Butte.

    As long as mine workers continue to be UMW members, Montana will keep sending a few Democrats to Washington.

  21. It makes me a bit ashamed of my home state that they haven't voted Baucus out yet.

    But he's a master of getting earmarks. Last time I was home for a visit, there were several road construction projects with big signs proudly stating that no local funds were used - the projects were paid for entirely with federal funds. Your tax dollars. MY tax dollars.

    And like Mark B. said, farmers can't farm, loggers can't log, practically nobody can do anything, without jumping through whatever hoops the holds up for 'em.

  22. I wasn't going to comment, but W/V has changed my mind. W/V = booica. Sounds an awful lot like...

    Anyway, just wow. Somebody's gonna have a well-preserved corpse when he (eventually) dies, and it shouldn't cost him a thing!


  23. Why are you all sounding so surprised?

    Murtha insulted HIS constituents, and they loved him for it -- because he brought the bacon back to the home district.

    Obama insulted folks in PA as bitter, gun&bible-clingers -- and he still carried the state. Why? 'Cause he promised 'em the goodies.

    The pols REPRESENT US, in more ways than we care to admit. They reflect our corruption, our sloth, and our depravity.

    Don't expect no changes in November neither -- I think the Dems have the pulse of the nation when they say that the American people will not want to give back the "free" health care they were just given.

    Oh, well, nice while it lasted...

  24. AT said:
    "What ya'll need out there is a little incumbency redestribution.

    Come to think of it, that's what we need right across the board."

    Yeah, I hear they could use some representation about 500 miles east and about one mile down from Washington DC. What's the term for a one-way junket?

  25. Something about this was tickling the back of my brain. Baucus? Alcohol? What about that combination is making me laugh?

    Then I figured it out. I've read Greek mythology since I was a child, and I suddenly remembered:

    Dionysus is the Greek god of wine. Roman name? Bacchus. How apropriate!

  26. I live in MT, but I don't claim him. He doesn't even live here.

    And I agree with Kristopher. Butte is weird.

  27. montanans did do something about him. they sent him to that loonie bin on the potomac.....


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