Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Meanwhile, in the non-smoking section of the Hindenburg...

Apparently having gotten all the deck chairs lined up neatly and therefore with nothing better to do for a few minutes, the California state legislature took the time to pass a resolution declaring the first week of March "Cuss Free Week".

You have got to be shitting me.

Well, at least that was five minutes they didn't spend legislating.

(H/T to Billy Beck.)


  1. Those smegheads certainly have a skewed ideer of obscenity.

  2. Amazing! You mean there's something in California that's still free and not taxed?

  3. There's the comment I want to make, and there's the comment I can make without shaming my mother.

    This is the latter.

  4. I liked the first commentor; find the route the kid will be using to parade this thing around on and hold up signs that say things like, "Fuck you, Prick!" all along the way.

  5. California is a motherfucker.

    I do my part....

  6. "There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience.
    And then there is California."
    -Edward Abbey

  7. I thought about participating, but then I said "Fuck that."

  8. This will only work if the week immediately before hand is spent educating the population on how to use the three seashells.

  9. From Clayton Cramer's post on teh topic...

    "Oh dear. I'm old enough to remember when the California legislature repealed the law that prohibited swearing in front of women and children--and thought that they were being hip and progressive for doing so."

    Guess that didn't work out so good?

    WV: deplub - where you'll find me with a bottle full of blub

  10. Hey, don't blame me. If I didn't own a house here, and my three daughters weren't here, I'd have left this nut house years ago, for Nevada at the very least.

  11. Matthew,

    Clayton Cramer likes guns. Other than that, I'm pretty sure he and I are not on anything like the same side.


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