Monday, March 01, 2010

Nice work, goober.

Showing all the finely-honed judgment of a likkered-up college student, one Alexander Brill pulled his heater in a Bloomington, IN watering hole.
Brill faces felony charges of battery and intimidation with a deadly weapon and pointing a firearm.
(21-year-old glands + booze + gat) - a good grasp of consequences = This Is Going In Your Permanent Record.


  1. Of all the places to drink in Bloomington . . . um, according to, um, er, a friend of mine, he goes to Kilroy's?

    He should be prosecuted for Bad Taste in addition to Pointing a Firearm, Intimidation, and Intimidation with a Dead Weapon.

    I carried into many a bar in Bloomington. I can't imagine anyone coming to blows while there. Stupidity will find a way.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. That article seems kind of sketchy in terms of information, but based on what they did say, he was faced with multiple assailants, so what he did might have been totally reasonable. I'm going to reserve judgment until until I see evidence that he had consumed alcohol, or was somehow threatening or getting physical with the girl he was arguing with.

  3. It's possible that he was defending himself, but unless the alleged six guys were between him and the exit, he didn't pick the smartest way to do so, that's for sure.

  4. Those jerkoff pedophiles at the Herald times are going to love this.

    Kilroys Sports is well known as the douchefrat capitol of Bloomington; I am not surprised that the testerone got out of hand, especially when mixed with alcohol. I worked right next to the joint at a sandwich shop for a long time, and I saw every manner of armed and unarmed jackassery.

  5. Well, if I am up against multiple bad guys, odds are real good that they are going to get a view of my Glock as I back towards the exit, even if my path towards it is unobstructed. Not saying that is what happened; just that it is premature to jump to any conclusions here.

  6. You cannot imagine my disappointment when your final quote there linked to a sad horn instead of to the Violent Femmes.

  7. "Witnesses told police Brill started arguing with a woman at the bar and several men stepped in to help her."

    No, sorry, he's a moron. Luckily no one will be able to say, "it was an accident" and "everybody has 'em", in this case--unless "accident" refers to someone's birth--and no one was actually hurt. Best possible outcome.

    I'm no choir boy, but I think I would get the hint if my behavior was threatening enough that three strangers felt the need to interpose.

    Note that the permit played no useful role in any of this, nor were the ever-expanding tests-of-fitness required to get a permit in any way effective at weeding out a dangerous moron.

  8. Bonus! He's got that Charlie Sheen "I'm a baaaad boy" look, heh

  9. I'll reserve judgement here, could be a moron, could be self-defense, could be something in between.

    Ohio is trying to get restaurant carry, with bills going through the legislature now. We just had an incident where a license holder was carrying in a bar (currently a felony) while drinking (still a felony under the proposed law) and somehow "accidentally" shot his girlfriend with a .32 in the Blackberry. Luckily .32 won't penetrate a Blackberry...

  10. Regardless of the moronosity (word?) of the individual in question, you can bloody well bet that other certified morons are already drafting up their articles, posts, and comments using this incident to paint all firearm-carriers as irresponsible, trouble-making, law-breaking, gun-pointing yahoos.

    'Cause, you know, that makes sense.

  11. More a guido than a goober, but hey, a bar boor is a bar boor.

    He's just lucky that chick didn't unleash the lasers.

    I imagine she was on her own pretty quick once Mr. P made his appearance, though.

    Idiots, the lot of 'em.

    p made his appearance

  12. sorry, glitch in the switch...

  13. was he from a frat? please tell me he was.

  14. I would like to point out that at Purdue, we have the decency to have our gunfights in the parking lots and the dorm rooms like civilized people.

    I tell you, those IU students are just nothing but trouble.

  15. Remember, the news media always gets part of the story wrong, so I'd reserve judgment until we hear from neutral witnesses, or see a security tape. But if he gave onlookers a genuine reason to be concerned about the female's safety, then pulling the gun wasn't self-defense.

    And I would like to know his blood alcohol level at the time. Leave the gat home or drink virgin marys.


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