Thursday, March 04, 2010

Officer, arrest that man!

Finally, three shadowy conspiracies laid to rest in one petulant outburst:
We assassinated President John F. Kennedy. We assassinated Martin Luther King. And we assassinated Robert F. Kennedy — and we’re proud of that.
Well, now we know who was on that grassy knoll. This deranged individual obviously should not be walking free.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. If stupid were radioactive, Daley would need a ten mile safe zone around him. And I know HUNDREDS of people who think he's just great.

  2. Whaddya mean 'we', white man?

    Maybe a little projection going on there?

  3. And 1 out of 3 of his examples used a handgun...

  4. Bram beat me to the punch.

    "Oh, we'll let you have your sporter rifles," is a lie.

    Having done a pretty in-depth investigation of the Kennedy Dealy Plaza assassination, I can tell you that anyone on the grassy knoll would not have played a role in the killing. That shot came from the Schoolbook Depository, from a mediocre rifle.

  5. Hmm, funily enough the Palestinians are stll claiming Sirhan Sirhan did it as an act of arab liberation: "Dr. Mohammad Taki ("M. T.") Mehdi, then secretary-general of the Action Committee on American-Arab Relations [now known as CAIR], believed that Sirhan had acted in justifiable self-defense, stating: "Sirhan was defending himself against those 50 Phantom jets Kennedy was sending to Israel." Mehdi wrote a 100-page book on the subject called "Kennedy and Sirhan: Why?"."

    Maybe Daley's if he cops to it is a Pali sleeper agent - it could explain some things.

  6. Mayor Daley does not believe in the law when it suits him to ignore it. Witness (i) his illegal bulldozing of Meigs Field and (ii) the ongoing conduct of his cops.

  7. OTOH, he does raise some excellent points. Why do our betters in Washington think they're so special as to rate armed bodyguards wherever they go when us poor plebes are denied any form of protection?

  8. Shortshanks: the best mayor money can buy!

    Rahm Emanual...not really

  9. There you have it!
    A confession that the Chicago Machine Killed the Kennedys and Rev. King.

  10. Maybe he has a mouse in his pocket. A really murderous mouse.


  11. Sarcasm aside, his questions summed up as, "Why can't we carry in Federal buildings?" would get answered with "That's a good question. All of them should be open to carry, so why not?"

  12. Well, he did say "we." Maybe his phalanx of bodyguards actually pulled the trigger.

  13. “Why can’t I go to the Supreme Court and sit there with a gun and listen to the arguments?"

    Is he saying that he has so little self control, he can't listen to opposing viewpoints without getting violent?

    What a petulant child. "Wah wah wah, the mean judges are going to force the Bill of Rights on us! It's not fair!!!"

  14. "When a child gets shot or killed, that is a failure of society"

    Well, he got that right. It isn't the fault of some piece of technology that requires human intervention to operate.

  15. That Daley and the Chicago machine are in office rather than cells is a failure of society.

  16. And the assasinated were all Democrats! Those nasty Chicago politicians were whacking their own.

    The scary thing is that obviously unstable people like Daley, Reid, Pelosi (anybody representing California in the Senate actually, and most of their whack-jobs in the House), are running the country, compliments of a free pass from the Media.

    I suspect what we have here is a case of Freudian Projection. If some people truly believe that the simple possession of a firearm will instantly turn "normal" people into ravening killers, it's probably true. For them.

    I suspect that in a SHTF situation, a bunch of illogical, ofter hysterical, urban liberal weenies would act out every bad cliche Hollywood has ever foisted on us.

    Add weapons to the mix, and they would self destruct. Which is not a bad idea.

  17. So Mayor Daley, in gun free Chicago, doesn't have any guards, right?

  18. Funny thing, most people have no idea if I am carrying a gun into anywhere, and when I do I normally don't shoot anyone - at least for the last MANY, MANY years.

    When I visited the Supreme Court there wasn't a search for weapons. Probably is now, so many shootings have happened there.

  19. I dismissed Daley long ago (along with Bloomberg, Feinstein, and all other gun-banning jerks) as patently evil.
    Look, they aren't f*cking STUPID...they read the papers, they see the reports. They KNOW that gun control doesn't work. Every single study of any repute has borne this out, and every one that purports to show otherwise---EVERY ONE---has been thoroughly discredited.
    In the words of Kim DuToit,"People who support gun control are either evil or f***ing morons. That's the beginning and end of it, and I will have no truck with them."

  20. L Neil Smith's "Murder by Gun Control" (the "stupid, insane, or evil" article) is 10 years old and just as relevant today.


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