Sunday, March 14, 2010

Paging Orson Welles...

Bad broadcasting idea in Georgia (the one with satsivi, not the one with grits):

On Saturday night, the pro-government Imedi TV in Georgia broadcast what it called a "simulation" of what a fresh invasion would look like. And the broadcast ended with a note that the events in it were not real.

However, the show did not run any on-screen notes during the half-hour broadcast to alert viewers that what they were watching was not real.

Viewers were alarmed.

I'll say.

I mean, if local TV were to do the same thing, broadcasting, say, a two hour special bulletin on an ongoing invasion from Illinois, I'd be throwing an entrenching tool and a rifle into the car to go dig in along the Wabash and help turn back the hordes from the Land of Lincoln before the second commercial break.


  1. Indiana is the true land of Lincoln! why the illini have adopted that carpetbagger as one of their own is beyond me.

  2. Invasion from Illinois? Never going to happen, our nannystate government won't let us have any guns and we are too busy being crushed by the taxes being enacted to pay off the debts. Now if you want to take us in as political refugees maybe we can talk.

  3. You think they'd let us use the Indiana National Guard for a spot of regime change, to free our oppressed neighbors?

  4. i know a few Officers. I'll ask on Monday

  5. An invasion from Illinois? Hell, an invasion from Mars would be less alarming.

  6. Maybe the threat of an imaginary invasion would cause a few citizen counterstrikes, striking a match to the inevitable revolution.

    hey, a guy has to have his dreams.

    To hell with the E-tool, I can lay my hands on a trackhoe in about five minutes.

  7. How about simply excising Cook County?

  8. Ed: I know several denizens of Pike-Adams Counties (PASA Shooting Center) who would love to excise Cook County right into the middle of Lake Michigan...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  9. With apologies to Col. Cooper: If you shoot at an Illinois dude he will sit down on the curb and cry. Shoot at a Hoosier and she will shoot back. (As will a Hawkeye, if I may modestly say so.)

  10. That Saakashvili, what a card! I wonder, did they run footage of him eating his tie, like he did last time?

  11. I spent weeks under the bed after ABC broadcast "The Day After"

  12. Would not the commercials be a clue though?


    w/v: spermine. My oh my, so many possibilities with that one...

  13. Uh, Owen, wasn't Lincoln born in Kentucky? Hogdenville, to be exact? Why would Indiana unnecessarily absorb the shame?

  14. Well, had Illinois invaded another state in 2008, instead of, say, 1861.... the panic might be a bit more understandable.

    There was that little dustup over Ossetia just a couple years back remember.

  15. Well, Rick, maybe Indiana wants to highlight their inability to provide education for their young.

  16. Jenn,

    I wasn't kidding! :p

  17. Remember how many "now, this is not happening" pains the network took with Special Bulletin, back in 'eighty and three?

  18. rick, all i know is the local NPR station was going on and on about ol' Abe being a hoosier. I'm not from here, so it's not one of the things that got drilled into me when i was in grade school.

  19. Anyone who lived through Korea knows how devastating human wave attacks can be, and Tam might not even have as much Ammo as IL has FIBs.

    Is it sick that as a neighbor to the North (who keeps getting Chicago denizens every time we get another fucking welfare health care coverage increase) I also would love the opportunity to kill me some Illini? After all, I did save my wife from that hellhole.

  20. Wait, we're being dissed by a fucking cheesehead now? Chicago would make a lovely addition to Madison.


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