Monday, March 08, 2010

Pedal to the metal.

With the mercury flirting with the 60 degree mark today, Roomie and I saddled up the bicycles and took a leisurely ride to the grocery store; about a five mile round trip. My poor bike had spent the last two-plus months gathering cobwebs, so it was pleasant to get out on the road again.

I had forgotten how much I liked my shoot-me vest as a cycling garment; liberally festooned with pockets, I could keep a stupid amount of gear and knickknacks ready to hand without having to toss anything in the basket or carry a messenger bag. It's like a purse you wear!

Bobbi occasionally held the bars with one hand while waving her digicam about with the other, so pictures of one sort or another may get posted. (EDIT: Here are some now.)


  1. I likewise was out and about yesterday; apparently both my quads and my bony butt bits have gotten a little soft over the winter.


    w/v: fooer. Sounds like a really interesting Victorian job, of uncertain description.

  2. Hey, your shop sells choppers? What is a HK33 going for? You need a villar perosa for your cycling adventures.

  3. "Purse that you wear"


  4. Figgers, starts warmening up in the rest of the country, and it finally gets wintry cold w/snow here!

    WV: objec. "Your honor, I objec' to this weather!"

  5. Purse? You could at least say "tactical" with that... I feel all weird now.

    For the record: it's my coyote murdering garment.

  6. One gentleman approached me in the library and asked if I was a fly fisherman after seeing my Eotac vest. I told him I was a photographer. But I agree about the purse-like qualities. I refer to it as my man-purse when talking with my wife.

    wv: croves; stinky cigarettes in Japan.

  7. You two need to get together with Xavier. Guns, bikes, and cameras.

  8. Shouldn't that be "Mettle to the Pedal"?

    Nice smile, btw...but so not "innocent".


  9. "Shouldn't that be "Mettle to the Pedal"?"

    You know, I actually considered using that one...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Nice to see that you ride on the road over here in the UK most local cyclist seem to ride on the footpaths.


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