Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Springtime for Hitler.

Charles "a Nazi behind every bush" Johnson was "fairly sure" he had spotted "a neo-Nazi flag" in the Tea Party throng in DC.

Colonel LeRoy Reeves was unavailable for comment.

(H/T to Rebellion.)


  1. I once dropped a woman from corporate off at her hotel for the evening. She read me the riot act the next day because the hotel was "full of skinheads" and she didn't feel safe there.

    I informed her they were Marines from NAS Willow Grove and that was as safest place in the area.

    She at least laughed about it after the fact.


  2. How can the Left even be in this debate considering their complete ignorance of history and politics?

    Wait, don't answer that!

    Shootin' Buddy

    wv=>"phreat", what SB does about his country's future

  3. Oh, SB, but Charles claims to not be on the "Left"!

  4. Charles was never more than a fair-weather friend to conservatives.

    9/11 got his dander up but his heart was never really in the fight.

    Sad, really; such a waste of useful talent.

  5. I will not fault the man for not being able to pick out a state flag - I am not sure I could identify all 50 of them - but, goddamn, if your first reaction to a flag you do not know is "ZOMGITSNAZI!", you are well and truly an idiot.

  6. "Oh, SB, but Charles claims to not be on the 'Left'!"

    This is snark, correct?


  7. Nathan - "Sad, really; such a waste of useful talent."

    Really though Nathan, what useful talent? He runs a blog and bans anyone who doesn't toe the line.

  8. People who hate themselves generally project what they see themselves as onto others. Doesn't matter if it's a girl hissing "slut" at a girl that's just like her, or some gun-fearing weenie that thinks gun owners can't handle the responsibility of carrying without losing their temper and killing someone (you'll note that the "all guns should be banned" crowed are the first to throw a punch at political demonstrations). Perhaps some of his 9/11 anger has turned into guilt.

  9. LGF used to be a daily read for me. It was one of the first blogs I ever really followed. The last few years, not so much. The last few months - not at all.

    But its nice to hear that Chuck is still alive and over reacting out there.

    Granted Tam doesn't have pretty pictures of bicycle parts on her blog. But I prefer the snark, the guns and the company here much better.

  10. I'm proud to say that I've had the ban hammer dropped on my by the paranoid lizardoid himself. Then again I had accused him and his commenters of engaging in an intellectual circle jerk.

    This was over the matter of some folks being so brazen as to engage in Open Carry in the same city as the president.

  11. RWC, once upon a time Johnson had a sharp mind, a talent for both typography and photo editing, and an impressive ability to see past the bullshit spewed by the mainstream media. All of which he put to good use in exposing the Rathergate memos and the Reuters "fauxtography" scandal.

  12. WW ... and then he became a paranoid control freak that accused everyone who disagreed with him to be a blasphemer to the cause.

    Meh, its his small depraved world, he can keep it.


    WV : reade , something I never do at LGF now.

  13. Y'know, I've written some things on the 'net which made me blush when I looked at them the next morning, when sober, but YeGods, nothing even approaching even applying for admission to that league!

    WV: coedn. What we mostly didn't get to do at Ga. Tech, there being so few of them.

  14. wolfwalker,

    Yes, way back when. I was part of LGF back then, like it as a matter of fact. Then it started going, and is now going going gone...

  15. Justthisguy, there were plenty at the Management college. Not that I married one... she was CS.

  16. Well ... it is the flag of the State of Teh-Nazi ...

  17. Just to be fair, in the fuzziness of that rather poor picture, the flag does have a more than passing resemblance to this neo-nazi symbol:

    Of course if Charles' first cry is always "raaaacissst!" then he should either take a deep breath before posting idiocies or get a nomination on the democratic ticket.

  18. I'm with Linoge: I don't know all the State flags by sight, but my first reaction to seeing an unfamiliar flag is not to have a fit of the vapors because the neo-nazis are comin'!

  19. I hate Tennessee Nazis.

    Shootin' Buddy

  20. I'm another former Little Green Lizard. Charles did a lot of good at first, including the other blogs that his site inspired that now continue the anti-jihad work. I wasn't happy when he started bashing "Gates of Vienna" (which blog can be a bit odd, granted). He lost me when he took on Spencer of "Jihad Watch" and I have not been back to LGF since . . . oh . . . two years?

    WV: symec. A new adjective for steampunk creations?


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