Monday, March 15, 2010

Vacation, all I've ever wanted...

So roomie was on vacation last week, leading to a couple of observations:
  • Vacationitis is apparently contagious. I found myself sleeping in a lot, too.
  • Coffee consumption at Roseholme Cottage doubles during vacation.
  • The only thing harder than going from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time is going straight from Vacation Time to DST. Bobbi, like me, appears to be quasi-nocturnal by nature; left to my own devices, my day would run from noon to 4AM or so. It felt like the alarm clock went off at 0300 this morning.


  1. Nnng. It's still 6:45AM, we're just all in denial (eastern time).

    Left to my own devices, I'd be on a 30-32 hour day with 8 hours sleep.

  2. I'm in kind of the same boat - I don't think I'm built for a 24 hour day. 10 hours of sleep, 20+ hours of puttering. It made those few months afer college when I lived in my parents basement kind of hard on the keeping-a-socially-acceptable-schedule thing.

  3. Arrrgh. we are off work this week, too, and, while Mrs. Drang is able to sleep in, the cats demand attention at the normal time for her alarm clock to go off. And I can't sleep worth a damn at the best of times. So I must get up and feed the proprietors, and open the cat door. And then struggle to get back to sleep, and finally cave in and blog a little...

    WV: arsaton. Oh, lord, the possibilities...

  4. "left to my own devices, my day would run from noon to 4AM or so."

    With or without DST?

    But yes, for a lot of people (small percentage, but big numbers in a huge pool) that may be the natural pattern. Now that I am retired, I can indulge it unless I am expectng delivery of something-or-other.

  5. AAAAGGH! Earworm! Curse you, vile fiend!!

  6. My alarm went off at 3:15 am, but that's a regular thing. What really sucked was that with the change to DST, my body knew it was really 2:15...

  7. See? Like I toldya, DST is bad for Night People. At least those who have their minds right.

  8. I have nothing to say, but the WV is billy.



    I was working a 4-10 shift for a while and I was very tempted to go to the 28 hour day schedule.


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