Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Xtreme training!!!1!!one!

One well-known trainer has opined that, with the increasing popularity of "tactical training", it seems like half everybody who's been 'in the sandbox' and has access to some acreage with a berm is going to set up a shooting school. As time goes on, I am increasingly believing this prediction. Exhibit A: Somebody tell me which school this is so that I never make the mistake of attending.

Obviously, somebody is making their money by selling tacticool to wannabes. Speaking as a tactical poser myself, I've both observed and participated in a reasonable amount of training; if I saw any of that happy mall ninja S&M horseplay going on on the line, I would leave without asking for a refund.

Any student that would take that class a second time would probably be happier if the instructors were wearing leather and chains and used riding crops.


  1. IIRC, the last time this went around, it was decided this was a bunch of South African contractors in Iraq doing some homework. The accent is pretty distinct.

  2. A couple years ago, Clint Smith had an article about guys returning from the Sand Box and starting schools. It was his opinion that schools that tried this attitude in training would not last long. It's not likely that a brain surgeon, airline pilot, attorney, or any other professional is going to put up with that. And the average person who has saved for years to attend a school to improve their skills is not looking this type of abuse on their once in a lifetime shooting vacation.

    He was also concerned about these schools have insurance.......


  3. Yes, leather, chains, crops, slapping, and live ammunition don't mix.

    Is that Rule 5?

  4. Leather is ok if it's a shoulder thing that goes up, but chaps are just gross.

  5. I think we have just witnessed the next Madonna video. ;-)

  6. Two words. James Yeager.

  7. Given what some people have told me about their “tactical training” at local ranges, I’m not surprised at the video.

    A lot of the “trainers” seem like ex-“operators” (read: worked the motor pool) who want to feel all big fishy/little pondy. They remind me of the 1st degree Black Belt who gets fed up that, “they aren’t teaching me to beat someone down in the street.” So he starts his own dojo where he teaches “real world” fighting and staying in condition Orange even in your sleep.

    Oh, having never used rifle round blanks, please tell me they can kick up that much dust from the distances the instructor was hitting the ground. Please? Not that blanks at that range wouldn’t be bad news to a noggin’.

  8. staghounds: I thought rule 5 was the Plaxico Burris rule: Don't shove a gat down your pants sans holster. I guess that would make this one rule 6.

    Dantesfiringrange: I have fired more than a few blanks and they can kick up a surprising amount of dirt, but alas I fear that in this particular case the "Instruction ninja" was probably firing live ammo. Without a blank firing attachment (often called a BFA) most semi-auto weapons (esp gas operated ones) will not cycle.

    I couldn't get a good enough look at the "instruction ninja"s weapon to ID it, so it is possible that I am wrong. One can only hope. But in this case, I highly doubt it.

    Either way, this kind of horse play does not belong on a range at all. Even a blank can kill you at that short range should he accidentaly pull the trigger when the rifle is pointed at the wrong place. I understand what they are trying to accomplish as far as training to be an effective fighter in a high stress environment, but in my experience (as if I really had much, 6 years USMC) that isn't something that can be taught by making someone do pushups and shoot while a crazy man is pushing and kicking you around while firing near you in an unsafe manor. It is something one comes to when you internalize the knowlege that shooting aimed shots and killing the enemy before he kills you is the ONLY way to survive.


    PS. No, I will not be opening a tacti-school.

  9. The only stuff I've seen like this has been A-Q and PLO training/recruitment videos where your "instructors" shoot at you with live ammo and you'll get through it fine, inshallah.

    Then you get fitted for your Seeyasucker Explosive Suit, now with HDX.

  10. Blanks near the head: see Hexum, Jon-Erik.

    I've seen some interesting rationalizations for fragging, but that's likely a valid example.


  11. I'd be eating a tactical tamale right now, if my fork was black.

    Tactical replenishment exercises, that is.

  12. Hokey smokes!!!!!!1!eleven!

    That's tactically and strategically stupid. I don't see where intentional hearing damage (and not even considering flying projectiles) is any sort of training.

    Well, unless you're going to the Madonna concert. Then, someone may shoot me.

  13. If that's live ammo that instructor is using then that kid is pointing his weapon in the wrong direction. That moron is seriously endangering that man's life.

  14. I guess I'd get an automatic failing grade for butt stroking that jerk in the crotch after the first time he kicked my hand out from under me as I did push ups.

    Bet he wouldn't expect it or ever see it coming.

  15. If anything remotely similar to that was actually happening to me in the field while I had a loaded gun in my hands, I would be VERY tempted...


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