Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The captive Freud of lib'ral rage...

So, there were some Second Amendment marches and protests around the country over the weekend, including here in Indianapolis, culminating in Monday's rallies, both armed and unarmed, in Washington D.C.

No shots fired. No swarms of inbred yahoos rising from the hollers and bayous of Red State Amerikkka to put civilization to fire and the sword. No cyborg invasions.

Reactions from the soft, toothless, pro-disarmament Lefties on the intertubes ranged from pants-filling shrillness to smug and self-congratulatory Freudian allusions.


  1. Dang. I was kinda hoping for a cyborg invasion.

  2. Meanwhile we had actual political violence down here in New Orleans lask week. Of course, being that it was a Republican fundraiser and her boyfriend who got curbstomped, the media is doing their best to ignore the story. To the point that it took nearly a week for me to find out about it, and I live here.

    VW: chedg, Che, Dead Guy

  3. Well no armed rally IN DC. That would be against the law.

    There were rallies within sight of DC where folks OCed, yes. Perfectly legal unless they wade into the Potomac, ankle deep.

    Dammit, there I go picking nits. Again.

  4. Had a great time at the official 2nd Amendment March in DC itself. Got to shake hands will a bunch of very cool people, including Dick Heller (yes, that Heller), Kenn Blanchard, Mancow, Nikki Goeser, Stewart Rhodes, Tim Schmidt, Mark Walters, and lots of others. Lots of energy and enthusiasm, good speakers, plenty of sunshine. And although it doesn't fit the narrative of the old media, I didn't see anybody angry. Just enthusiastic about protecting freedom...

  5. What quantity of mainstream - network coverage was produced. We are not big TV watchers, but in skipping thru the news stories of the networks, my wife saw only one brief report.

    What did the faithful readers here see or hear, if thye'd care to rre-port?


  6. I couldn't resist it. I went on to the Brady Campaign Facebook site and pasted a copy of Julia Gorin's wonderful essay "The Anti-Gun Male".

    I then added the following remark:

    Post script. Think about it, and perhaps admit in private that you are a craven, short-sighted, illogical and blind little worm.

    I don't know any legal gun owners who leave firearms around for children to play with. Why can't your puppets in the media distinguish between legal weapons and black market, untraceable, uncontrollable weapons in the hands of psycopaths?

    Criminologist John DeIulio estimates the number of uncontrolled weapons in the U.S. is in the hundreds of millions, and that criminals would have a century of weapons left if all legal firearms were destroyed.

    The University of Chicago School of Criminology does the only peer reviewed firearms study in the U.S., and has done it since 1950. They estimate, using DOJ polling techniques, 87 million legal firearms owners, with an average of 6 firearms each. That's over half a billion weapons in the hands of people like me, yet almost all the violence in in inner city areas where there are virtually no legal firearms.

    D.C. has the most restrictive legislation in the country, and about the highest murder rate. "Oh, but they buy their guns across the river in Virginia, where guns are everywhere". Why then doesn't Virginia have a murder rate similar or worse than D.C.? Why is it so much safer?

    Don't you realize the drop in violent crime that has continued virtually unabated since the late 70's has been accompanied by the removal of restrictions for people like myself, a permit holder who had to undergo weeks of training (despite being a former Marine and firearms instructor), three seperate background checks, and being required to pass standards higher than those required to become a policeman in many areas. Yes, I can defend that statement with numerous instances.

    There is a large, dangerous psycopath smashing in your back door with a crowbar. Quick. Call for a pizza, and call for a cop. Which gets there first?

    I should feel guilty about kicking weaklings when they're down. I should :-)

  7. Greg,

    It's how us inbred yahoos unfortunate enough to dwell outside NYC or San Fran pronounce "valley".

  8. As a friend once said- "back in the holler, where the stop signs say 'whoa!'"

  9. I've seen plenty on the right that have quaffed too deeply of the anti-gun koolaid as well. Libertarian radio pundit, and self-styled high priest of the painful truth, Neal Boortz, also found it expedient to denounce the open carry rally. I guess that koolaid is mighty strong.

  10. Well, I was at the rally in DC yesterday. Obviously I must be posting from beyond the grave if you listen to the wails of the PHSing antis...

  11. "Holler" is like "yonder".

    If you have to ask, well, "Y'ain't from around here, are you?" {grin}

    Seriously, any Southerner can give reliable, coherent, mutual intelligible directions using such distance metrics as "yonder", "over yonder" (these are distinct distances), "a fur piece", "near-abouts", and "presently".

    Even to a Southerner, it's sometimes fightening how accurate these can be, even when you're in a strange (yet still Southern) state.


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