Friday, April 02, 2010

Chicks can hold their smoke.




  1. Obviously this is Texas, right?

    *Sigh* I'm always reminded of the time when Homer Simpson was the Safety Salamander and became a "safety advocate" and ended up burning down Bart and Lisa's school.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Dude, chill; he calls himself out in the text.

    And Wisconsin is not in TX. Or IN (which is where I've seen most of my eye pro failures.)

  3. I'm tickled as dammit to see a new pistol shooter leaning into the gun properly, rather than leaning back away from it...

  4. Well, we are just atlking about a .45 here...not much recoil to speak of anyways.

    Where it really starts to make a difference is in magnum rifles. recoil velocity is dependent on the mass of the system, and the system includes the shooter. A 250 pound man isn't going to get whacked nearly as hard by a .458 as a 130 pound woman (or man) will, because the rifle actually hits the smaller person harder. Given that men are typically larger than women, there is a differnece here.

  5. True, but perhaps I am too sensitive to "I'm such an expert, I needs to go teach them wimmins what to do" attitude. All I know is the more I study the less I know.

    I hope he got sushi out of it!


    Shootin' Buddy

  6. Owen-

    Force imparted is force imparted; the shoulder bracing the rifle is going to receive the same amount of Newtons upon trigger pull whether it's sporting a big meaty manly (ugh! ugh!) deltoid muscle or a frilly prancy spaghetti strap with lace lacey things.

    I agree that more mass is going to help, but I bet experience and a good stance account for a LOT more than that.

    Heck, I have very limited experience with long arms - fly me, Tam, Breda, and Lissa to a range, have the "little ladies" pass your .458 around and talk about stance while I stay away and pick my nose, and I bet they shoot it just fine and I get knocked askew.

    I'm a huge defender of the acknowledgement of gender differences, where they are applicable. But recoil management is about more than simple mass.

  7. Owen-

    Seriously, it makes no difference. The right form, the right stance, and knowing how to roll with the recoil of a rifle are all far more important than size and weight. This is akin to saying that I, personally, am not qualified to shoot a big bore rifle, on account of weighing only 160 lbs. Proper form and mentality are far better answers than mass and machismo, or gender.

  8. Yup. To date the only problem I've ever encountered with a new shooter and a long arm of any caliber or gauge is not enough upper body strength to keep the gun up shooting offhand. The only time anyone complains about recoil is if they are shooting from a bench, and then you're limited on how much you can roll with the recoil.

  9. Clearly a setup. I bet he racked the slide for her. Everyone knows girls can't do that.

  10. Most recoil problems are due to bad/nonexistant teaching; too many times someone gets a person(male or female) who has never fired a gun before, and instead of showing them proper form and giving them a light recoil gun to give them practice and confidence before working up to stiffer loads, just hands them a .44mag, stands back and watches them have a bad first experience.

  11. Related? Well, no, but then again, maybe.

    On this week's MythBusters (Season 8 episode 2, March 27 2010) Kari Byron is the one who gets to shoot the .50 [Barret?] sniper rifle. Even prone, it knocks her back a few inches - but doesn't faze her a bit. Mind, she has been shooting for years.

  12. Last time I shot an M2 from a tripod it knocked me back a couple inches... and I'm 210+lbs and that gun weighs much more than a Barret.

  13. Yeah, a Barret will shove you around some.

    I once got belted pretty good by a one of those godawful "Grizzly Big Boar" because I didn't subconsciously trust the thing not to turn into a giant pipe bomb, what with the breechblock doubling as the buttplate and the chamber being right under my ear... I probably should have pulled it in tighter.

  14. My first Wife weighed in at about 100lbs and her favorite handgun was a full size 1911. She was deadly with it. She still made me load mags for her, she hated getting her hands dirty with my nasty reloads.
    Still miss that woman.

  15. "
    Seriously, it makes no difference. The right form, the right stance, and knowing how to roll with the recoil of a rifle are all far more important than size and weight. This is akin to saying that I, personally, am not qualified to shoot a big bore rifle, on account of weighing only 160 lbs. Proper form and mentality are far better answers than mass and machismo, or gender."

    Yup. The extra weight can actually sometimes be a detriment. The reason being that a heavier person is harder to move, due to their larger mass. This means that the recoil impulse of the stock hitting the shoulder takes place over a shorter period of time because they aren't moving with the rifle, which means you get an increased amount of felt recoil. It's basically the difference between a punch and a shove.

  16. Shot IDPA with a first time woman shooter with a USP Compact in 40 S&W. I doubt she weighed 110 pound with the spare magazines on her belt. No problemos.

    She had enough fun to stick around and shoot two stages of rifle with a borrowed Stag M-4.


  17. As to earlier comments, penance has been paid, won't happen again.

  18. Atom Smasher,

    Recoil isn't force directly, its momentum. Increase the mass, and the velocity goes down.

    The time over which the recoil is acting is important too. the whole mv=ft thing, although it get a little complicated because the body is a spring damper and mass all in one, and none of the constants...are constant.

    If you are pulling the gun into your shoulder, the gun shouldn't be hitting you at all, and that's what you need to do for good form with a hard kicking rifle. if you give the gun a few mm to get moving, its gonna hurt.

  19. Nieces: 11 years and 13 yrs [then] and 22 and 24 yrs now, still love the old full size 21 Glock .45.

    What recoil? They just let the gun ride back, and then cracked the trigger again, when it was returned to target. Biggest grins i EVER saw on a kid's face. Ran me out of ammo.

    Since then, they have fired all sorts of .32 mag, .38 spec, 9MM & whatever else got brung. But their faves are my SAA .45 Colts [with REAL loads] and the Glock. 1911's are OK, too. But that big luggy gripped, plastic, Austrian franken-pistol is their real heart throb.

    OH, yeah. Little 38's are OK, but when y'r gonna shoot surplus vegetables and other reactives, it's back to the .45's.

    Da woid: should be in a sci-fi benediction:

    JohnM, aka JohntRed, & etc.

  20. Owen-

    Right. SO you're saying that mass of the holder is less important than the holder remembering to hold the firearm correctly.

    Skill > Mass (holding all other vairables to zero.)


  21. Heh... there's only one pistol any of the ladies I've taught over the years have preferred to the 1911 in .45 (mom-in-law's first handgun was such).

    But the one they all seem to want to steal is the Automag...

  22. no atom smasher, what I'm saying is that a heavier shooter isn't going to have the same issues with things like retinal separation and micro-tears in their liver than a lighter person, while using good form. Talking about a .45 as a high recoiling weapon is just specious.

  23. Listen, just because a tiny gun is hard to grip, hard to aim, hard to rack, hard to hold onto when fired, hard to make safe to carry, and loud as hell...doesn't mean it's not cute as a button and therefore the perfect choice for the little lady.

    Keep in mind that the guy behind the glass ain't training shooters, he's selling hardware...and cute sells.

    That may be inept as hell, it's absolutely cold as ice, and it's arguably culpable malpractice...but that's the facts, Jack.


  24. So was I the only one that noticed that the instructor was sporting a Monster Hunter International (MHI) patch?


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