Friday, April 16, 2010

Day in court.

It appears that Charles Dyer has been found Not Guilty on the federal weapons charges he was facing. It would be interesting to know the details of the defense, given the nature of the original charges (allegedly in possession of an M203, the serial number of which allegedly matched one that had taken a walk from an Army base.)

Given the high profile of that video of him in his dress blues, one does not have to own shares in Reynolds or a wookie costume to start suspecting a smear job...


  1. Probably something simple like suppression of evidence or testimony.

  2. Interesting. One would think the possession would be open and shut. I wonder what that's about. Still up on the child abuse charges, though.


  3. Hypnagogue,

    Probably, but you'd think that, given the background here, they'd have done their best to put together an airtight case.

    If the guy really is a thief and worse, a sloppy prosecution is going to make a hero out of him and make the .gov look like they were out to get him.


    Yup, but let's not forget that he's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Or smeared in the news. Whichever. ;)

  4. ATF Witness: I'm the only one here, that I know of, professional enough to carry this Colt 40mm...
    Defense Attorney: Your Honor, I object to this witness blowing himself up with a grenade launcher. Move to suppress testimony.
    Judge: Sustained. 20 minute recess to give the firemen a chance to put out the burning corpse.

  5. Hypnagogue,


    I'm dyin' over heah! :D

  6. How exactly do bomb-sniffing dogs "indicate explosives have recently been stored here"? Do they write notes? International Morse code? What are those Naval flag signals called again?

    Dogs are great for finding things on the spot. Not so good for giving testimony on what might have been, AFAIK. And a handler who is really committed to finding something with his dog... well let's just say there's a lot of subjective room there.

  7. But... but... but... Fluffy the Uberhund is the foremost expert on Constitutional Law in the US! (Other than the Dear Reader, of course.)

  8. Police dogs are gtting pretty good at indicating on command these days.

    They can figure out when their owner wants them to just indicate, as opposed to actually finding anything.

    They can also figure out what their handlers really want to find. Customs now have a bunch of dogs that they call money-sniffing dogs ... former drug-finders that were rewarded to enthusiastically for finding cash instead of drugs ( and the real source of that "drug-tainted cash" bullcrap the feds were humping ).


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