Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I don't get it...

Joel linked to a story where some New Yorkers got busted for what media types think is an "arsenal".

If they were going for the whole "scary-looking killer death assault gun" angle, then the attached photo was particularly unimpressive: A couple wood-furnitured self-loading shotguns, a stackbarrel fowling piece, a rusty rabbit-eared side-by-side, and a Marlin levergun with, like most Marlin leverguns, too much glass in those stupid Kwiksite see-through rings. So I went and read the article, which claimed that there were a total of thirty guns in the "arsenal", which left the junk-on-the-bunk display in the photo some twenty-four guns light.

Googling up the name of the alleged arsenaleers, I discovered another photo, this one showing a couple .22 crank-cockers, an old sporterized Arisaka, and what appears to be some sort of underhammer front-stuffer, among others, but no pictures of the alleged "assault rifles" or the ten handguns.

The thing is, in the photo accompanying the second story one can clearly see part of a stainless Mini-14 in an aftermarket black plastic side-folding stock just out of frame to the left. That one might be kinda scary looking, in an '80s A-Team kind of way, so why wasn't the photo centered on it? Could it be that all these guns look equally scary to an herbivore?


  1. I collect swords and other bladed weaponry. I bet they'd label my modest stockpile as "upcoming barbarian horde invasion."

  2. Doncha Know? Those were ALL AK-47's...... just with different cosmetic features.

  3. It is the freedom that is scary not the hardware.

  4. Bob S. pegged it. How can they help in every aspect of everyone's life, if people can resist?


  5. It was the crossbows. They were afraid he was going to go William Tell on somebody.


  6. You know, in NYC a cross bow would be way more scary.

    No muzzle resport to attract attention, decent range, with a bit of forethought and planning, I think your slow motion rampage would go on quite a while.

    Just the ticket for rats and cats, and small annoying dogs. :-)

  7. It's a rulebook all the jURINEalists follow. This one's heart wasn't in it.

    But the text was very dramatic and with more hyperbole per square inch than a Bloomberg campaign promise to get rid of crime.

  8. Yo my fizzle - I'll cap yo' ass with ma Mauser dog!

  9. Wouldn't it be nice if New York could be part of an America where citizens still had a right to keep and bear arms.

  10. a police source said. "They just shouldn't have had them in the first place."

    The only answer to that is UATWMF! (For those of you old enough to remember the 1960s.)

  11. ...when you shove 2 3/4 inch, 1 3/8 oz. shells, in the sxs hammergun with damascus barrels(the one with 2 1/2 inch chambers)...ouch.

  12. Wouldn't it be nice if New York could be part of an America where citizens still had a right to keep and bear arms.

    That's just crazy talk.

    Thanks for the Tamalanche, T.

  13. The cops table-display looks like any vendor at a gun show down here! Odd assortment of old hunting guns, a lonely sporterized military rifle or two, and a small collection of knives; I mean, that's pretty much any vendor!

  14. UATWMF ?

    I had to google it. I remember the phrase, but I don't remember it as an acronym. I think the mania for making everything an acronym was not so well developed when that phrase was current. Of course I wasn't actually "there" in the sixties and only caught the very tail end of campus protest in the early seventies.

  15. Underhammer. Huh. I learned something new today. Now I can go take a nap.

  16. fast richard: failing that, I'd settle for making NYC not a part of America, and thus, not able to vote on laws that affect me.

  17. In the second picture is looks like there is a mini 14 w/ folding stock on the edge of the left. Oooo it has clip* and must be evil.

    * yes I used the word clip to make fun of the perceived mind set of the NYPD

  18. To most of the MSM, at least in big cities, anything with a barrel of more than four inches is an assault weapon.

    Now these, well, if I remember correctly most of them were dunped in the attic when Grampa (the guy who owned them) died. Nobody knew what the heck else to do - I can imagine walking into a police station in New York City or adjoining borough and saying I wanted to register 15-20 rifles, not so sure I can imagine walking out without having to get a lawyer involved.

  19. Leftist media definition of an arsenal. If you have more than three guns that are black, and you have more than a 1000 rounds of ammo for all of those guns combined. You have an arsenal! Ooooh scary!

  20. Quote: John A "To most of the MSM, at least in big cities, anything with a barrel of more than four inches is an assault weapon."

    And anything with a barrel of LESS then four inches is a "Saturday Night Special" and needs to be banned because its too "easily concealable."

    It's the "Goldilocks" theory of gun control, only according to the anti-gunners no gun is "Just right" own.

    Trebor (Anon cause openID isn't working for me)

  21. It took 3 people to produce that article and newspapers are going broke.


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