Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's good to know...

...that some people with mad 1337 production design skillz are still on the side of the angels:

(H/T to Snowflakes In Hell.)


  1. Sure, I know that you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time ....

    .... I also know that someone is peeping all the fools some of the time and some of the fools all the time, in order to take advantage of them.

  2. I only hope it is right that we will remember. If we bloggers have any duty, helping our fellow man to remember is probably one of them. Keep it up, Tam. The MSM won't be doing it.

  3. what are mad 1337 skills?

  4. This is the 2nd kickass ad the RGA has floated this year. I'm not sure what is bringing them out of the backrooms, but they deserve some serious credit. I would like to see some more teeth in their promises of smaller government and fiscal responsibility, but they are definitely making me a fan so far.

  5. Is that video in that blank white box, there? I'm on a dial-up account and have Flash disabled (of course) so I can't see what that is, there. Could you provide a text description?

  6. Justthisguy,

    It's just a skillfully-edited commercial that makes great use of the "making it up as we go" and "pass it to learn what's in it" gaffes.

    It's done by the folks at

  7. The rather glaring similarities with V for Vendetta and Guy Fawkes are probably, err, ill-advised.

    Just sayin'.

  8. The bass in that video make my walls shake. Awesome.

  9. Ooooh, that was pretty good.


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