Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's a small world after all...

Now little Muslim kids can get banal, preachy, religious-subtext comics, just like their Christian brethren!

Protip: There is hardly anything more likely to make your kid grow up to be a cynic than trying to slip Jesus or Moses or Mohammed into their comic books. I'm just sayin'.


  1. But if a cartoonist slips an image of Mohammed into a comic book, won't that get him beheaded?

  2. What luck! Now we can all see what the mooselimb Jack Chick will be like!

  3. trying to slip Jesus or Moses or Mohammed into their comic books.

    This sounds suspiciously like a euphemism.

  4. Anent the Protip: And this is a bad thing how?

  5. As Ed has alluded...

    Cynicism (or lack of a better phrase) is good.

    Sinicism, otoh, not so much.


  6. Should be (for lack of a better word)...

    Damn fat fingers and brain.

  7. Davey and Goliath didn't work for me.

    Maybe a claymation Mohammed and his talking ass named Yasser will work better.


  8. Mythbusters should do a whole show on "accidental" discharges and the many different methods that people say lead to the guns going off.

    For now, I'll choose to believe this guy so that if I ever do something stupid like shoot myself, I can blame that errant pair of kitchen tongs that lept from the counter and set off my blaster.

  9. Could we get a comic book with a certain John Moses in it?

  10. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)8:11 PM, April 28, 2010

    Hey, at least Christian comics don't go preaching the murder of innocents. Only Jihadist "comics" do that.

  11. The 99 doesn't appear particularly "Jihadist" in that regard, then, Crotalus.

  12. I'm sure there's some lame stuff out there - probably the majority - as whenever adults try to teach their kids a story with a 'moral.'

    But I have to say Veggie Tales is some of the better kids' video I have seen. My son loves it. Probably key is that there is a great sense of humor in them - the lack of which seems to be what ruins most religion.

  13. Is that better or worse than sending small children off to the government indoctrination center to pledge loyalty to said entity then be brainwashed about saving polar bears and other evils of humans that have the audacity to be born and consume?

    Whole damn world's screwed up...

  14. The best religiocomics are the ones aimed -fearlessly in this case- directly at the earthly "enforcers" of their entity of choice. The DBD strip from this past Sunday is f'n hilarious. I imagine most here have seen it; if not, you gotta.

    A "test of the free speech system" AND "A highchair for my wife..." Whaddaya think of that, Mo?

    Chris Muir for prez! (or at least third-party senator from Florida; we need help here, man!)


  15. Tam,

    Regarding your Protip, having adults insist that you're going to turn into a Satan worshipper for playing D&D and owning a copy of Dieties and Demigods does a hell of job of that as well.


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