Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Low-hanging fruit.

I was tickled by the Daily Show "alternate lifestyle" piece on open carry.

I especially liked the fact that it made Paul Helmke look like a dull-witted Grade A tool and a bed-wetting zealot. (Granted, that's hitting from the red tees, but still...)


  1. We're here, we're armed, you better get used to it.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Was that one of Oleg's photos on the front page of


  3. Ironically, the Brady Bunch also thought the piece was great and sent out a link to it in their most recent email blast.

  4. That's because they know guns are inherently wrong and therefore the piece was funny, whereas I know bigotry is inherently wrong and therefore the piece was funny.

    One of us is objectively right, too. ;)

  5. I bet I know which...

  6. Gotta love that the Brady's are so out of touch with reality that they think this segment was a win for them.

  7. And bonus points that Paul pinged this post today!

    Big warm feeling in my belly from that!

    Thanks Tam!

  8. "public displays of affection", I loved it!

    And I particularly like that the presenter's silly stunt at the end produced no more reaction than it did.

    I just TALKED about owning guns while in a coffee shop in England, and the police were there to question me when I left.

    Go, America!

  9. "while I could never fully understand what real discrimination looks like. . ."

    Now that's funny!

  10. "Public displays of protection." I've got to remember that line for future use.

  11. I thought a public display of protection was throwing a condom on the table after a damn good first date. Anyway, the piece was great. the coffee shop scene with the rifle was priceless. Regardless, the open carry guys looked as non-menacing as possible. They all looked like they should be doing IT work or fixing copiers!

  12. They all looked like they should be doing IT work or fixing copiers!

    Ha! Three guesses what John Pierce (a friend of mine) does for a living (a hint: It's not fixing copiers).

  13. I used to fix copiers. Does that count?


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