Friday, April 16, 2010


This is my third spring in Broad Ripple but the first one where cars are turning yellow with pollen, just like back home. It's not deep enough to make pollen angels or have pollenball fights or anything, but it's noticeable.

Worse, it's some kind of heathen Yankee pollen to which I have no built-up tolerance. Bleh.


  1. Lately, within five minutes after getting out of bed and power sneezing for a few minutes while attempting to pour coffee, I look like a recruit who just stumbled out of a tear-gas house.

    And that's with Claritin.

  2. That's the Yankee pollen that gets up early and kicks your ass all day.

    Now . . . if only the pollen would go on strike.

    I say, I say.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Yeah well the pollen down here in the Atlanta area has been really bad this year too -- some of the hightest counts on record I guess. People getting sick, headaches, etc...

    Mark R.

  4. Speak of the devil -- my car was covered with the stuff this morning. First time I've ever seen (or at least noticed) that phenomenon. Plus the wipers/cleaning fluid combo didn't really clean it, just smeared it around on the windshield. Nice.

  5. Mildy curiousity, how do you know it's heathen? It might be episcopalian, you know. Or even lutheran.

    I can see how in the modern incarnation that might be difficult to tell from a distance though.

  6. Yep, every morning my SUV finds itself misted in a nice green film of pollen combined with the petals from one of the blossoming trees in my front yard.

    Dammit, nature! Stop trying to make my SUV a hippiemobile! My poor Tucson is now so green and floral-looking I swear I'm going to see the mother and daughter from down the street walking across the hood of it and asking each other if they've felt "not so fresh!"

    Stupid nature.

  7. Have you tried some of thems freakey-deaky nose-baths? Shit like the Neti Pot, or a sinus rinse bottle?

    They feel really weird at first, but they're a damn godsend!

  8. Come back home to Atlanta Tam all is forgiven!!


  9. This spring in Indy is the lushest we've had for years. Flowering trees were out almost 2 weeks early, and we didn't get our usual magnolia-time freeze to knock down everything that was out and retard everything else for a couple of weeks. Really pretty, but bad for the allergies.

  10. There was an article in the local a few days back that claimed the pollen count was around ten times normal this year.
    I blame Global Warming.

    WV: inerros- Speaking of Global Warming...

  11. Yep, gonna be a heck of a fire season here in AZ what with the desert all green and stuff. I figure that the whole state will be dry as a tinderbox by early July, which could make for an interesting 5th of July, in the chinese meaning of the word.

  12. Hoosier native here, and it does no good. My nasal passages feel like they're on fire.


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