Monday, April 12, 2010

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

Newscaster on TeeWee: "Some air travelers are upset by the idea of airlines charging an extra fee for carry-on bags. After the break we'll hear what one Washington lawmaker plans to do about it..."

Me: "Jesus H. Christ on a turbocharged crutch!"

RX: "It's like living in an Ayn Rand novel, isn't it?"

Seriously, tell me how that is any of the federal government's business? It's getting to the point that whenever little Suzy stubs a toe in Dubuque, within a week we've got some dollar-sucking vote whore clamoring for "Suzy's Law" in Washington, DC. I've got news for you: Every skinned knee in life doesn't need to have its boo-boo kissed by Auntie Congress.

The lawmaker in question, BTW, turned out to be none other than everybody's favorite regulatory busybody, Chuckie Schumer. Just seeing that sanctimonious weasel grin on the TeeWee first thing in the morning makes me suddenly understand Elvis just a little bit better. I'm going to go into business selling armored glass TV screen covers.


  1. Ya walk into my room and threaten my television Well. In this isntance, it is perfectly understandable, isn't it? Just don't his the tuner box, it's a rental.

  2. It's a well known fact that a gun is 43 times more likely to be used against a friend or relative's television than against one that comes in from outside.

  3. Again proof that the most dangerous place on the planet is that space between Chuckie Schumer and a TV camera.

  4. Or a microphone as in this case.

  5. Staghounds: That would be the Kellerman-Sarnoff-Presley Hypothesis! No?

    WV: garged

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Wait, wait, wait. Is this the same Schumer who was so very on board with the security theater bullshit that ran the airlines into (much-deserved) bankruptcy in the first place?

    Can't be. Must be some other guy named Schumer.

  8. Chuck is consistent in his hypocrisy.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Actually, there IS one thing that Congress could do in this case -- and which I would agree with.

    Rescind all federal taxes on aviation fuel.

    That's one stimulus plan I can agree with.

    Of course, to pay for the loss of revenue, we could cut spending in other areas. Let's start by abolishing the Depts of Education and Labor. We could also stand to cut back on all that "foreign aid": our kleptocracy borrowing on the national credit to give away billions to foreign kleptocracies.

  11. That smarmy pandering blowhard has never encountered a non-problem that couldn't be turned into one with 1200 pages of pointless legislation.

  12. "Understanding Elvis" or "Inner Elvis" would be great band names!

    Shootin' Buddy

  13. Anonymous: We could also stand to cut back on all that "foreign aid": our kleptocracy borrowing on the national credit to give away billions to foreign kleptocracies.

    I suppose it's possible that one might even come to pass if we push for it the right way. We could just point out that those guys can't vote for the congressweasels in question.

    Alath: That smarmy pandering blowhard has never encountered a non-problem that couldn't be turned into one with 1200 pages of pointless legislation.


  14. So that's what frangible rounds are for.

  15. I see your Chuckie Shummer and raise you a Henry Waxman!


  16. I'm sure someone has done it, but who's running against the most egregious enemies of the Constitution and how do we donate to their campaigns? (Always keeping in mind that donating to the candidate ism vastly preferable to donating to the party.)

  17. Sillier yet -
    He didn't even hit the really bad one, the airline that is planning to strip out all but one toilet per plane - and make that one a pay toilet.

    Can you get quarters past the metal detectors?

  18. OTOH, letting congress get outraged over stuff like this and then make yet another spectacle of hailing corporate executives before yet another congressional committee to berate them like naughty children for trying to run a profitable business will eventually have the result that it will be very hard for crypto-bolshie anti-business congress critters to get elected. If nothing else, George "Billionaire Commie" Soros will go broke trying to bankroll all their campaigns...

  19. D.W.,
    I suspect by the time we get to that point they wont let us have our little Kabuki Theater known as "elections".

    Unless of course it is in the old Soviet sense of the word...

    Which is of course what "Curious George" is working toward.


  20. OMG!!!! Shumer and Waxman!! What type of vote whores are you watching! Those two have the IQ of a rabid deranged coyote !! Hopefully they will be gone in Nov.


  21. "New York Sen. Charles Schumer calls the fee a “slap in the face,” and said he'll get the government to ban airlines from charging fees for carry-on luggage.

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood went a step further and said the fee is proof Spirit does not care about its customers."

    What about the fee the government is slapping on healthcare? Does that prove they don't carry about their citizens? God, these people are just too easy to nix!

  22. I can't hear Chuck Schemer's name without seeing this image.

  23. sanctimonious weasel

    Funny, that's the exact phrase that crossed my mind the very first time I ever laid eyes on "it".

  24. Well, on the plus side, that really is interstate commerce, so at least it's not unconstitutional for them to regulate it.

    Bright side, etc.


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