Sunday, April 11, 2010

Overheard in a Waffle House:

The waiter has just taken our beverage orders as Shootin' Buddy returns from washing his hands...

Me: "Well, he was a very polite young man... Oh my gawd, did I just say what I think I said?"

SB: "You should tell the ladies in your quilting circle about him. Maybe one of them has a daughter or a niece...?"

Me: "'A very polite young man...' Oh, please, just shoot me now."

SB: "No way. You'd shoot back."


  1. Obviously, we need to whack you on the head with an axe handle to get you to stop sounding like your mother... oh, wait.

  2. Passes you the smelling salts.
    I just hope the fragrance doesn't clash with your lavender water....

    Best wishes.

  3. I'll one-up you on the aged curmudgeon scale, and say that the only reason you noticed the young man's politeness is because young people are generally so dang rude these days.

  4. Points an arthritic finger at Tam and laffs.

  5. That's so nice to hear. Kids these days are so often rude and lazy, always listening to their music instead of paying attention, and wanting to play video games instead of working or going hunting.

  6. How many times did he call you "ma'am"?

  7. Ha! I love it when I am asessing a patient, thinking they are about the same age as me, and then look at their birthday.........

    And think........

    Damn. I was overthrowing oppression, quelling insurections, liberating countries and converting virgins back then.....

    Yeah it bites. Geritol is on aisle four young lady.....

  8. Remember, age is relative.
    You're only as old as you look.

  9. Rather than a general genteeling of youth, this probably has more to do with a dearth of jobs out there.

    I usually hit the Mickey D's drive-thru on Sunday mornings for coffee and sausage biscuits for wifey and me, and the last several times have been been properly greeted, served, and thanked by just such a "polite young man" rather than the standard mopes to which we're all so accustomed.

    This morning (as he immediately recognized why I gave him a twenty, two ones, and a dime for my $7.10 check and whipped out a five and a ten), I thanked him and commented that I don't know how McD's can hope to keep such a personable and on-the-ball young man at the window for long.

    He quietly rejoindered with a grin as he thanked me back, "Man, I hope they can't!", and I said I'd hire him myself if I could.

    A bright side to the economic downturn for customers used to blank looks or sneers from servers and counterpeople...but sad commentary just the same.


  10. chuckle, chuckle, snort, guffaw, har har har.

  11. In fairness, said Waffle House was in rural Kentucky and practically on Fort Knox. The young man in question probably "Sirred and Ma'amed" practically by reflex.

    If there's one thing Uncle Sam knows how to do, it's instill a grasp of manners into young people's heads. If they stay at it long enough, they can politely say "Sir" to people who think islands can capsize...

  12. Tam good manners will take you far in life!!I have always tried to use manners and respect for peaple who show respect to me. It just goes to show you that civilized peaple can be nice and polite and respectfull. God help those that are not cause most peaple give then hell.


  13. Just remember: There is an old saying, “It's all right to do whatever you want, as long as you don't do it in the street and scare the horses.” So there, young lady!

    I do love the fact that being a old curmudgeon does have some advantages! Where is my buggy whip?


  14. Heh, just gets even BETTER when you're in your 50's and have a TEENAGER to remind you that you're old, fat and slow.


  15. You found a nice polite young man? *waves hands frantically* Remember me! Remember meeeeeeeee!

  16. Quitcherbitchin.

    Me, I'm so old, I fart dust!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  17. Most WH's servers are polite. WH has such a crappy rep that the servers work overtime to show you the place is not like that.


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