Monday, April 19, 2010

Speaking of an eye on the ball:

An ongoing war in central Asia, worries about Iran's nuclear capabilities, a political tiff with Israel, the nation's economy at the bottom of a smoking crater, and what issue is the senior United States Senator from New York fixated on? What hill has he picked as this week's fashionable place to die?
Sen. Charles Schumer announced Sunday that several major airlines have promised not to charge passengers for carry-on baggage.
Rock on, Chuck, rock on. You make that whiny thimble-headed gherkin from Minnesota who was foisted upon the upper chamber look positively deep-fried in gravitas by comparison.


  1. Well, at least he wasn't doing any actual HARM for a change.

  2. Any time the vampire squid sticks its tentacles deeper into our face, it's doing harm.

  3. Of course he was doing harm. He was interfering in the business of business.

  4. Nasty little secret is the Feds collect, if I remember correctly, 7.5% of each _FARE_, but they don't get any taxes on _FEES_.

    So if the airline cuts it's _FARE_ by $100 and charges you a _FEE_ of $95, you save $5, the airline saves a total of $2.50 and the Feds lose out on a _TAX_ of $7.50.

    Makes you wonder why Chuckie is so concerned.

  5. I'd like to say I'm shocked, but that would be a lie... ;)

  6. Just wait until the typical post crash spike is over and the economy really piles up...Chuck will really work some razzle dazzle. Salty, fatty foods are a health crisis, don't you know...

  7. "An ongoing war in central Asia..."
    But... but... we've always been at war with Eurasia. Why even mention?

  8. Just another reason for driving wherever I need to go. 'Sides, you see more of the world that way.

  9. Sometimes a lot more than you'd really like to :)

  10. Things you never want to hear on a road trip:

    "Faster! I hear banjos!"


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