Saturday, April 03, 2010


According to Google Analytics, over the last month twelve souls have arrived at VFTP having searched for "midget screaming verboten on tricycle". Obviously there exists an untapped market segment.


  1. A search term Topeka now has you ranked at #1 for.


  2. 12 souls, micromarket. if you get a thousand, consider hiring someone from

    They have midgets in most common flavors and accents.

    WV Congbam. The sound a midget on a trike makes while driving into an empty 55 gallon drum and falling over onto an inflated paper bag.

  3. This post is offensive to people who own tricycles...

  4. Seriously, who WOULDN'T be interested?

  5. Naw, not 12 souls.

    I am reminded of the Gary Larson "Far Side" cartoon, with the kid pushing and pushing on the door, clearly marked "Pull To Open" - to the "School for the Gifted."

    I suspect what you have is a newcomer that enjoys the View From The porch, but hasn't figured out how to save the book mark (FireFox) or "favorite" (IE 6+), or even the fairly common "Control-B" key sequence.

    So this person repeats what got entry to your informative site before. It just happens to be an interesting search term. I sure hope this person isn't the head of the BATFE or Homeland Security - hopefully their browser skills are a bit more polished.

    Now, if they are just looking for some good entertainment, they might try Googling "youtube blue man group america got talent" with Tracy Bonham, or "YouTube blue man group I feel love" with Venus Hum.

    Heaven forbid he wants something twisted like googling "youtube frantics piece of pie". Which is cringingly funny. Or 2 1/2 minutes learning the new lyrics with "youtube bob rivers dirty deeds done with sheep". "youtube ivor biggun halfway up virginia" gets a bit NSFW/ribald/language. "youtube misheard have you seen lorraine" is safe for work, but you may never hear Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Have you ever seen the rain" the same again. Or my first YouTube delight, "youtube tom vince dragonsta din tea EJ".

  6. Those crazy Canadians will put anything in a search engine...

  7. Hey, this is where I come to get my "Fellini" on!

  8. Tam, you do realize you've just messed up your statistics, right? Now everybody will want to do it.

    WV=suprai - what a supreme court justice screams when charging into battle.

  9. Brad K.,

    Actually it was only 10 unique souls. You're right; two were repeats.

  10. ....I am so jealous of her LED dress....

    Srsly, Venus Hum and Blue Man Group? Snow White, we have found your dwarves! And thus back onto the original topic, since a match that good prolly will be verboten.

  11. Dwarves on trikes? That settles the question of party entertainment. Now, what to serve, what to serve...

    wv: combacto. Device used for crushing dwarves on tricycles.

  12. How many people found your site by searching for "Look, a chrome plated baby wolf"

  13. Rule 36 of the Internet. No matter what it is, some one, somewhere gets their rocks off to it.


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