Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bring the noise.

It seems that the Kentucky Democrats are providing all the good sound bites for Rand Paul's Senate campaign:
Kaine said Paul "represents the most extreme elements of the Republican Party - a candidate who has vowed to abolish the Departments of Education and the Federal Reserve; who vows to oppose, oppose, oppose at a time when we need constructive solutions to the challenges we face."
Yeah, well, Mr. Kane, didn't that Barry Goldwater guy say that extremism in the defense of something-or-other is no vice? It's "constructive solutions" that keep getting us into messes like this.

Paul shot back with the money quote:
"You know, the debt is spiraling out of control and I'm proposing things like a balanced budget and they think that's an extreme idea? What I tell to the national Democrats is bring it on and please, please, please bring President Obama to Kentucky. We would want him to come and campaign for my opponent [Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway]. In fact, we'll pay for his plane ticket if President Obama will come to Kentucky."
Heh. Makes me want to get my Wookie on.


  1. Thanks for posting. I'm grinning ear to ear.

  2. Remember back in the day, when 'pubs up for election or re-election wanted Shrubbie to stay far, far away?

    I just cannot describe the glee I feel when I anticipate that same scenario for the dims in this cycle, and especially in the next.

    Al Terego

  3. Dr. Paul lives in the same town as I. The place is full of media waiting for us to come out of our double wides and start dragging people of color behind our pickups.

    It's worst than a plague of frogs.


  4. @Gerry: When the WaPo published a story about Dr. Paul the Younger's victory, a troll popped the first comment about all the many racist stories "about to be released" in KY.

    I guess they think that qualifies as substantive debate nowadays. As Mistress of Tam-Fu says, "Bring it bitchez."

  5. If Paul has a fault it is that he has not called for the abolition of even more government.

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. "The place is full of media waiting for us to come out of our double wides and start dragging people of color behind our pickups."

    Ahh yes, the same noble media that cries "racism" over the Arizona immigration law. Never mind Hispanics (save Afro-Carib) are white, said media and the leftists don't see them as anything but brown people here to scrub their toilets, pluck their chickens, pick their fruit and vegetables, and cut their grass. Hell, they even go buy their services early every morning in Home Depot (and the like) parking lots.

  7. I'm also warming up to Paul... In a thumb in the eye of DC, kinda way.

  8. I'm very happy that I will get to vote for Rand Paul in the fall. I did not get to vote in the primary as registered Independents in KY only get to vote in the general election.

    I agree with Shootin Buddy, he should call for more abolition, BUT I know why he's not and hope that he'll really follow through with his campaign promises when he gets there. Can't wait to see him at the next big gun show (hopefully he'll be there again) so that I can shake his hand and congratulate him.

  9. I love it when the DNC sells me on a conservative canidate.

  10. Honestly Tray Greyson's ads are what sold me on Rand Paul.... all the stuff he was saying that was so negative about Paul was stuff that I thought made perfect sense...

    and half of his ads had REALLY BAD quotes from Paul that you could tell were taken completely out of context, even my wife (a freakin super-liberal most of the time) was rotting for Rand Paul because he had some common sense

  11. It's going to be an entertaining fall, that's for sure. I hope Paul wins, if only, as Mad Saint Jack says, "in a thumb in the eye of DC,[sic] kinda way."

    So far, so good.

  12. Paul's starting to grow on me. He's certainly better than Conway. Haven't seen too much media in Louisville looking for people to badmouth him, but it's only a matter of time.

  13. Given the President's success rate with events and candidates that he has supported and campaigned/lobbied for, I can see why Dr. Paul is offering to pay the President's fuel bill to come visit KY!


  14. Hell, Tam ... everyone in the MSM knows that libertarian = Teh Nazi ... just ask them.


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