Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hippies soil their nests...

...then they come soil yours, too.

Someone should put up a fence.


  1. You know I was thinking about this. There are tons of Southern states and towns that are totally overrun by transplanted Yankees. Are there any Northern States that are overrun by transplanted Rebels?

  2. "Are there any Northern States that are overrun by transplanted Rebels?"

    Why in God's name would anybody move TO New Jersey?

  3. Even the Attila and the Hun horde would not want to go to New Jersey!

    Gerry (Former Yankee)

  4. Heh, Excellent point.

    Still I would rebut that I moved from Portland Maine to Metro-Boston because there is simply no work in the wife and my fields in Maine, but there is Scads of it in Mass.

    What there isn't? Freedom...but that's just another word for....sorry, I love ya Kris, but that's a damn foolish line!

  5. Fence, hell. Minefields are nice.

    WV: Flizle. A fence in Snoop Dogg's yard.

  6. God can't the yankees stay home?? We don't care how they did it up north!!

  7. "Fence, hell. Minefields are nice."

    But then how will I get good food?


  8. "Are there any Northern States that are overrun by transplanted Rebels?"

    I seem to remember an era in US history where southerners moved from rural areas where they were born to northern cities. It was a pretty big migration and changed a lot of demographics. They weren't sons southern insurrectionists, tho.

  9. Okay, okay, I'll admit it, I'm a damn yankee. Okay, half yankee - my father was from Hunstville AL and settled in the north (Chicago) after his stint in the AF because thats where the jobs were in the 50's.

    I came here for my kids, and am staying here for the freedom. Not a hippie, but not quite a wookie-suiter either. So, I promise not to soil this nest... i left my last one better than I found it.


  10. Yeah, I've seen the effects of it, tho they're not technically damnedyankees, is the Californians moving to Texas, and bringing their problems along. Trying to get away from gang problems, but their stupid kids bring their "cred" in the moving boxes and start that sh## here, and then they want to make us recycle and get rid of our guns. If it's so great in Cali (like you keep talking about, on and on), then why don't you go back?!?

  11. "Are there any Northern States that are overrun by transplanted Rebels?"

    Ummm, the entire North perhaps?

    The 3 Rs in the South--readin', 'riting, and Route 31 North to Indianapolis.

    How do you think Indianapolis got "The Swamp"? Have you read the opening chapter to Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" and the complaints of Southern behaviour?

    How do you think we got the Chicago Blues?

    Heck, half of the entire South relocated North.

    Shootin' Buddy

  12. Tam said...
    "Why in God's name would anybody move TO New Jersey?"

    There are certain....Wait, wait--this isn't right. There.

    There are certain, shall we say, "career opportunities" that are available for those....with a particular aptitude for certain types of work, thanks the prevailing style of government in New Jersey over the last fifty years.

    < music stop >

    Seriously, though, it's like a chain reaction. When NYC was on its way downhill in the 70s, Manhattan-ites rode the air pollution wave into Connecticut, and this caused 60 year-old exiled Noo Yawkuh women to appear at local grocery stores, decked out in black leather mini-skirts, fishnet stockings and purple lipstick. The locals were understandably frightened, so they picked up and left for places like Canada, Arizona, Maine, Vermont, Washington and Oregon.

    Fast-forward three decades later, and every state in the union has at least one "liberal" shit hole in it.

  13. Hey, I did exactly that; moved from a free state (VA) to the good old Peoples Republic of NJ. Granted I was young and stupid at the time, but I haven't left yet either; and in fact compounded my foolishness by purchasing a house.

    It's no worse than many northeast states, and more free than most of those. NH, ME, and VT are notionally more free, I suppose, and PA has much better firearms laws.

    Climate isn't bad, and it is convenient to the fleshpots of Philly and NYC without having to live there.

    Plus, our governor is set on giving the public service unions joint and several cases of apoplexy:)

  14. Lately it's Californicators around here.

    But hey, this is Texas. If the heat doesn't run them off, the bugs will. We've got cockroaches that are saddle-broken.

  15. The great seriotype in southern New Hampshire is the Bostonian who can't afford to pa $400,000 for a $180,000 house, so he moves just across the border into Cow Hampshyah and buys it for $130,00, then commutes to work in the computer towns between Boston and the state line.

    Unfortunately, as soon as he gets settled in, he starts screaming for olympic swimming pools in the High School, eight lane superhighways to get him into work on time, and a trippling of town taxes.

    Since New Hampshire has no income tax, everything is funded locally, and only the bean town imports can afford the higher rate, so the locals begin selling out to never ending waves of people who talk through their nose.

    If New Hampshire could cede ownership of the 20 mile deep strip along the Mass. line back to the pinko commie bastards in the Massachusetts Statehouse, it would still be the greatest state in the union.

    Cheerful, steady people, salt water fishing, fresh water fishing, a state that still shuts down on opening day of deer season, those beautiful mountains, and an independent lifestyle that, as often as not, heats with it's own wood and generates it own electricity. Not to mention a diet that's heavy on venison and rabbit, self collected a stroll away from home.

  16. The greatest problem I see with the south is the flippin' climate.

    Dear god, it's like deepest, ickiest summer month in the north. but on and on and on.

    And don't get me started on your winters. No strong enough to be useful, too strong to be ignored.

    People are nice, though.

  17. SB said: "...half of the entire South relocated North."

    That was just our Marielitos...'course now they've inbred with ya'll and you've got teh double stoopids that keep tryin' to sneak back below the M.D. line.

    But there's hope for you people...if wrong-way migrants like Tam become a trend, you might hook up with one and possibly produce some little hoosier hillbillies that can actually, you know, articulate and spell and stuff.


  18. SB,

    How do you think Indianapolis got "The Swamp"? Have you read the opening chapter to Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" and the complaints of Southern behaviour?

    Oh, y'all have gotten your revenge. Have you seen NC or FL lately?

  19. Or an even worse soiling:
    North? South? My Grandpa and his brothers all headed East: from Britain to America, Australia, India (The Raj)...
    You might be surprised how active the NRA is in Hawaii - they're in the middle of passing a castle doctrine bill and one to prevent illegal seizures during an emergency - like Katrina they have hurricanes there on occasion. We ran into a couple who were on a guided hunt while we were on the Big Island last fall.

  20. "And don't get me started on your winters. No strong enough to be useful, too strong to be ignored."

    Oh come on, who doesn't like an EF-4 tornado the week before Christmas?

  21. Shootin' Buddy, so some of you're anti-South garbage is due to the relocated blacks? Also explains your oft used stereotype of....Ice Dog, was it?

  22. Not sure that 'Yankee' and 'Hippie' are the same thing...
    Some of us are still hanging in there, figure we have been here for nearly four centuries, may as well try to make it all the way.

  23. Smile when you call this Yankee a hippie, son.

  24. The problem is that no one likes my idea of splitting Chicago from the rest of Illinois and turning them into a giant federal district like DC. Then they can run their city into the ground while the rest of Illinois builds a wall around their city limits (I guess we can give them Cicero and Oak Park if they want) and then we hold a big party or something where we all wave at them from our cars full of handguns and throw little tins of pate de foie gras to them.

    Okay, maybe we won't do the pate de foie gras thing, but I still want to taunt the Chicago city government by driving around in a car full of handguns.

    WV: tiesmi. The new Finnish self-bondage craze that's sweeping the nation!

  25. Damn hippies are like locusts.....

  26. Here in Utah we get a lot of Californians; they've been coming in waves since the sixties, and you can't throw a rock around here without hitting two or three of them. The problem is that as soon as they get here, start trying to Caliform the place, and it can be very irritating at times. The only group of invaders that outnumbers them here is the illegals from south of the border.

  27. "Have you seen NC or FL lately?"

    Ouch. Truth hurts.

    But most of the Indyuns that flock to FLA are ninety-something Q-tips and fairly easy to elbow out of the way at the Red Lobster...not so much when they're in their Towncars doing 30 in the left lane, though. Gotta get me one o' them cow-catcher grills for my truck...


  28. "But most of the Indyuns that flock to FLA are ninety-something Q-tips and fairly easy to elbow out of the way at the Red Lobster..."

    I'd be more worried about how hard they are to elbow out of your way at the polls.

  29. (I mean, have you seen who the dumbass Hoosier GOP picked for their senatorial candidate?)

  30. "Shootin' Buddy, so some of you're anti-South garbage is due to the relocated blacks? Also explains your oft used stereotype of....Ice Dog, was it?"

    Anti-South? Pffft, I have travelled extensively in the South to all kinds of gun schools and have yet to be dragged behind a pickup truck. So, it's the New South.

    The Swamp is in Indianapolis, many miles from me. The Swamp is populated by white Southerners who for merriment committed petty crimes of disorder and violence (read Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals"). This caused some towns near Indianapolis (e.g. Speedway) to ban concealed carry as it was seen as a prelude to Southern violence.

    Ice Dog (as in Vanilla Ice), as anyone in the business can tell you, is a white dude.

    "I mean, have you seen who the dumbass Hoosier GOP picked for their senatorial candidate?"

    Yes, to my dismay and with a minority of the vote, they picked a North Cackalackian. Ballotage now!

    Shootin' Buddy

  31. News Flash: Poor people stacked like cordwood get up to mischief. Film at 11.

  32. and you can't throw a rock around here without hitting two or three of them.

    Bob, in that case make sure you throw lots of rocks.

  33. The reason that those Southern cracker hillbilly rednecks are always getting up to trouble is because they're stupid bigots who believe in sweeping generalizations rather than applying thought to anything.

    Next thing you know, they'll try steal the honor of your womenfolk or something.

  34. "The reason that those Southern cracker hillbilly rednecks are always getting up to trouble is because they're stupid bigots who believe in sweeping generalizations rather than applying thought to anything."

    Not anymore! We brought the barefoot bumpkins the 14th Amendment, shoes, books, and dental floss. We'll electrify the South and stop the mysticism and prejudice down there.

    Things will be swell as long as some Wookie suiter doesn't come along and talk about something loony like repealing the Civil Rights Acts.

    Shootin' Buddy

  35. Personally, I think about the only thing said "wookie suiter" is guilty of is underestimating the intelligence and critical thinking skills of the American people. I guess I'm just a backwards racist East Texan that way, though.

  36. "have yet to be dragged behind a pickup truck"

    That could be arranged. I'm thinking of a set of rollerblades and a ski rope. Next up, how to take a Yankee trolling for alligators..

    In all seriousness, my contact with Yankees is that they go buy guns and get CWPs. Two of our best CWP instructors are Yankees....

    Al T.

  37. "In all seriousness, my contact with Yankees is that they go buy guns and get CWPs."

    There's hope for nearly anyone if they are exposed to enlightenment. Even commies. Hell, even yankees.

  38. Shootin' Buddy:

    Did Rand Paul---or Ron Paul, for that matter---ever say anything about repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Or are those just the words you want to put in their mouths?

  39. "I'd be more worried about how hard they (octogenarian Indy'uns) are to elbow out of your way at the polls."

    A goodly percentage keep their votin' rights "up home", and the full-timers that are attracted to the backbone of the peninsula tend toward red blood rather than blue...not that that's so perfect either. Lower east coast is another story; think NewYawkCity southern division. All in all, FLA's voting record ain't been too bad...so far.

    Truth is, as stifling as it can be to be smothered by oldsters who come here to croak, the midwest'ers we seem to attract are decent folks for the most part, and I tend towards the belief that the stunning ignorance, pathetically attempted bigotry, and hilariously ironic socialist tendencies displayed by some is a sad little anomaly.

    "This caused some towns near Indianapolis (e.g. Speedway) to ban concealed carry as it was seen as a prelude to Southern violence."

    Yeah, that worked great 150 years ago, and I'm sure the effectiveness of preemptive selection and enforcement by the elites has improved with the years; I think it's right there in the Brady/Obama handbook. Talk about liberals in conservative clothing!


  40. Al Terego,

    "Yeah, that worked great 150 years ago, and I'm sure the effectiveness of preemptive selection and enforcement by the elites has improved with the years; I think it's right there in the Brady/Obama handbook. Talk about liberals in conservative clothing!"

    Indiana is the home turf of the late Eugene V. Debs; the pink blood runs thick in the veins of even the GOP up here.

  41. Lewis,

    What happened is that Rand Paul had a sudden realization that he couldn't have a rational conversation in the space of a yes or no answer, and he shanked....because he's not a very good politician.

    I'd say something here about divine government, the feasibility of time travel to the 60s, and the title of a bill being equivalent to a wish spoken to a genie, but I honestly can't see the end of this thought, what with all those jobless, de facto segregated, stuffed-in-government-housing-and-jails black people in front of my eyes.

  42. TJP:

    You're right, he's not a very good politician. That's one of the things that recommends him to me. I think the "civil rights movement" and its attendant legislation has been a disaster for America generally, and for black America with some great deal of specificity. We've gained a lot, but it's come at a bitterly high cost.

  43. "Indiana is the home turf of the late Eugene V. Debs; the pink blood runs thick in the veins of even the GOP up here."

    Debs was a pinko alright, but upfront and unapologetic about it...I like that.

    But like a closeted gay homophobe, that GOP faction you mention protesteth way too much as it refuses to look at itself naked in the mirror...and not just in hoosierland either.


  44. Of course, from New York's point of view, this has produced marginally more conservative government. OTOH, that means we've been electing fascist mayors instead of socialist.

    As for New Hampshire, the swing to left in recent decades is stronger in the northern half of the state. I blame Canadians.

  45. Not all Yankees are liberals or hippies. I like to think I'm a Calvin Coolidge Yankee - the hard-working, live in the country type. The Maggie’s Farm type. http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/

    In NE, like everywhere else, even Texas, city dwellers tend to be “do-for-me” liberals and country folks tend to be “leave-me-alone” conservatives. The cities in the Northeast are bigger and more able to out-vote the suburban and rural areas. That's it. There are still conservatives, still shooters (Jay G. for example), and still rednecks (we call them townies).

    I have lived in 5 states since fleeing MA. I’ve met fellow refugees in all of them. Most are politically conservative – particularly when it comes to government finances.

    Somehow, like Ian, I ended up in NJ after several red states. And for some reason I too stayed and bought a house. Actually the reason is money – the wife and I can’t make this much elsewhere. When we are done making money – goodbye NJ.

    On the bright side, I live in the rural northeast corner of the state. I never have to go to NYC anymore. We have a very conservative Congressman and now a Governor who gets it.

  46. Joseph,

    "I blame Canadians"

    That's more or less my default setting, too. :)


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