Thursday, May 27, 2010

I love the internet...

...'cause you can get the best conspiracy theories there.


  1. "As the Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Blair controlled 16 US spy agencies (including the Homeland Security Department, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Coast Guard)"


  2. Whaddaya want from Russian propaganda?

    "...member of an elite paramilitary organization: 'Eagle Scouts.'"

  3. I guess I'd expect a stick, because they gotta stir the pot with something.

    Also: Am I the only one who noticed that Gun Nuts Radio is simulcasted on the mind-control frequency of the ELF spectrum?

    wv = "chdjuti"; Cthulu's mentally-challenged younger brother.

  4. We really need to up the Prozac levels in the water supply.

  5. Always fun to learn a new crackpot meaning for an established legal term. In this case, "entered into commerce under duress" apparently means "went to jail."

    Back in law school a few of us with nothing better to do wondered "what if they're RIGHT?" so we researched the legal sources cited by tax groups, etc., and it was sadly easy to spot where the logic trains went off the rails in each case.

  6. Davidwhitewolf's splash of cold soaking wet reality notwithstanding, I'm kinda-sorta impressed with this one. The narrative isn't glaringly inconsistant within itself and even seems not-totally-paranoid plausable after a fashion. Especially if the reader isn't at all familiar with the particular brand of cookoo our man was flogging to the overly gullable.

    Given who most of these "sovereign citizen" bravos usually like to hold responsable for any finance-related "conspiracy", I suspect this all went down where it did mostly due to a dearth of readily identifiable synagogues in Little Rock. You watch though, the Kanes will be identified as "libertarians" before too much longer; too many non-Paul pol's need them some campaign obfuscation to pass that opportunity by.

  7. I do wish the LP would grow a pair and run the common law loonies and the jew-banker-conspiracy twits out of the party.

    They will say anything, any lie, including parroting the non-aggression oath, in order to get a pulpit and an audience.

  8. I haven't seen something that vivid since the Clinton years on the newsgroups.

    Say what you will, but conspiracy stories aimed at Democratic presidents have a texture and a flavor you don't get out of those aiming to give you THE TRUTH about Republican presidents.

  9. These aren't Libertarians, they are Looneytoonians!

  10. Ahem - Eagle Scouts are members of an elite, *religious* paramilitary organization... (Without any particular mangling of any of those terms. Though I suppose I ought to note that BSA was not the religiously-affiliated organization that taught me to shoot)

  11. Yes, but the guy in Red Dawn didn't say "religious". ;)

  12. Never watched it, sad to say. If I had a netflix queue, it'd be in it; but I don't.


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