Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Night of the long bowcasters.

Rand Paul hands Grayson a stomping in KY GOP Senate primary.

We need more crazy in Congress.

C'mon America, get your Wookie on! You know you want to...

(At Knob Creek this Spring, you could have walked from the pink liquor store to the firing line, stepping from Rand Paul sign to Rand Paul sign, without your feet once touching the ground.)


  1. Hell yeah, I'll take a flyer on the crazy; could *not* be worse than status quo.

    And at least the man's not a blue-blood; tea flows through his veins and brains. We'll hafta see how that goes... AT

  2. Heh, so that's the formal meaning of wookie.

    Well don't have any MN's, but do have other East Bloc... and no comic books but a mess of bad scifi books...

    Well at least I don't like starwars and don't have a cute name for my car....

    And more crazy can't be worse than the type of Ivy Leauge "sanity" we've got now.

  3. mwhahahaha. And as we prepare for fall festivities.... ;)

  4. Tam's a 'suiter at heart, but she's gotta make fun of everybody. It's in her contract.

    I have a wookie suit, but these days I usually wear my Boba Fett armor instead.

    Rand Paul quote:

    "My aim is not to pass bills, but to repeal them. My aim is not to initiate new programs, but to cancel out old programs that do violence to the Constitution. My aim is not to first discover whether legislation is needed before I have first determined whether it is constitutional. And if i am later accused of neglecting the interests of my constituents, I will reply that I was informed that their chief interest is liberty, and in that cause I am doing the best that I can."

    Right on.

  5. It does appear the electorate might just have its mad on.

    Bankrupting the country and forcing "health care reform" on them might have had something to do with that.

  6. No photo of Paul's #1 supporter at Knob Creek?

  7. Grayson's major recommendable quality seemed to be that he was a hack, but he's our (i. e. the GOP's) hack. Not finding either his party loyalty particularly permanent or persuasive, I voted for Paul instead.

  8. pdb,

    Yes, and most of the other offerings bark and smear themselves with poo 'round the clock.

    Besides, this was Rand, not Ron. (Wonder where dad picked that name?)

  9. Yes, I know, but all that I've read on Rand indicates that he shares his father's boneheadedness on foreign affairs.

    Not that this means I'm not pleased as hell with this outcome, I think a few more primaries like this will tug the establishment toward overall sensibility. People just need to keep in mind his flaws as well as virtues.

  10. "Besides, this was Rand, not Ron. (Wonder where dad picked that name?)"

    It's the diminutive of Randal.

  11. Wuuuunnnnngh rooooogh eeennngh!!! (shakes bowcaster, dramatically backlit atop the ridge)

  12. When did the Monroe Doctrine become boneheaded?

  13. "It's the diminutive of Randal."

    You're treading on my dreams.

  14. Yeah, that's sucked the wind right out of a few people.

  15. Night of the Long Bowcasters! I laughed so hard I hurt. Wait--I still am.

    Also, props to Roberta X.

  16. That Rand Paul quote...

    Didn't Barry Goldwater say that, a long time ago?

  17. Yes, it's in Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative (1960).

  18. Aarrgh. I didn't know that. Sorry, Mr. Goldwater. And sorry to y'all. I just typed it from a video of Rand Paul speaking and didn't know he was quoting somebody else.

    There is a video of Rand Paul explaining about his name: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD-R_OeP6tU

  19. There is a video of Rand Paul explaining about his name:

    Heh. Way to stomp all over my assumptions, too.

  20. Droids don't pull your arms out of their sockets when they become upset.

    Wookies have been known to do that.

    come on you commie bastard democrats.

    Let the Wookie win

  21. Roberta X --

    The Monroe Doctrine as the primary foreign policy and defence strategy became obsolete when steam powered warships with breechloaded guns that can deliver accurate fire beyond visual range were invented.

    More oboslete when instantaneous communications development allowed for intercontinental coordination of military efforts.

    Patently ridiculous when Billy Mitchell demonstrated how effective airstrikes could be.

    Lunacy when Fermi tossed dirt in the air in New Mexico to estimate yield based on windspeed at his location. . .

  22. He still could have been named after Ayn but named Randall so that he would have a normal first name.

    It is time for men to clean the house.
    And the Senate.

  23. I'm a lot more OK with a Senator with isolationist tendencies than I would be with a prez. (Or, for that matter, any congresscritter). The legislature should be primarily concerned with domestic policy; and the Senate oughtn't initiate the funding necessary for foreign entanglements anyway.

    WV: nockstab (no lie - Now, is that Legolas' arrows, or a bayonet on a bowcaster?)

  24. Stab 'em with the 'caster, then pull the trigger. Kebabs, cooked from the inside out. Probably work with a Mosin-Nagant, too.

  25. I was taking my PM sweep of my usual blogreads, and saw your first sentence of this post (I somehow missed this morning):
    Rand Paul hands Grayson a stomping in KY GOP Senate primary.
    I was reminded of someone at an old job, who refered to KY Jelly
    as Kentucky Jelly...Maybe it wasn't a stomping?

  26. Lefties at Slate and Salon are gleeful over Paul's victory. Apparently he will tarnish the image of the Republicans, by making them seem conservative, or libertarian, or something.


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