Friday, May 07, 2010

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

Roomie's televisor has, like it does every morning, cut on at a bajillion decibels to serve her as an alarm clock...

Morning Traffic Lady: "...and they'll be demolishing the bridge through September."

Me: "You Hoosiers have the most wonderful temporal anomalies. Imagine! A Bridge Through September! And you're destroying it?!"

RX: "Irresponsible time travel."


  1. Gov. Daniels was to impose a toll booth, but the unions wanted to destroy it in order to rebuild it.

    The bridge, a la The Probability Broach, linked May 5th to September 16th. It was also known as "Margarita Bridge."

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Your sidebar ads are now crowded with appeals for Monkey Peelers, The Time Machine, Welcome To The Monkey House and Sock Monkey Dreams.

  3. Aw dammit, now I have to wait for my birthday like a regular person. Stupid government, screwin' up everything ...

  4. Why would anyone peel a monkey? They're much easier to skin.

  5. OA: It depends on what you want it for. Skinning works if you're roasting or otherwise baking the monkey, but peeling is better for salads and makes a more attractive presentation. There's a lot of carryover from the various cat techniques, so if in doubt use those.

  6. I could demolish that bridge waaaay before September, for a lot less money too.

  7. The Bridge Through September leads to the Hunt for Red October.

  8. Just so long as they leave my Door into Summer alone. After all what would Pete and I do without it?

  9. And the image of Tam waking up in Roberta's bedroom breaks Arfcom in 5...4...3...2...1

  10. Hey SB -- Wouldn't Daniels have put the bridge up for lease?

  11. "Irresponsible time travel."
    Is there any other kind?

    Joanna: peeling is better for salads and makes a more attractive presentation. For certain quantities of "attractive", I suppose maybe...

    David: Do I need to start hanging out in the General Discussion forum after all? Or would this be the Indiana HTF?

    wv: stonish. "Honest, occifer, I only took one toke!"

  12. That's not very ferocious, D.W. Wassamatter? Bill got yer fangs?

  13. Davidwhitewolf: So much more prurient than the image of a wide-awake and fully-dressed Tam, standing in the doorway of Roberta's room, making acerbic comments about slug-abeds who snore through a blaring TV so loud she can hear it in the living room.... But hell, why spoil their fun? I ain't the Brain Police.


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