Monday, May 03, 2010


Massive flooding in West/Central Tennessee. 26th most-populous U.S. city hammered. Interstate highways, the conduits of commerce, washed out. At least 15 dead. And... Ooh! Look! Barry's going to look at oily seagulls!

The inference we can clearly draw from this is that George Bush hates black people.


  1. Yeah, Kanye West *is* strangely silent...

  2. BO: Rahm, Should I go to Nashville to show my support for the flood victims?

    RE: Red State sir.

    BO: That's right, never mind.


  3. Well, Obama can't keep a boot on the neck of BP to stop the flooding, so why does he need to be there? How does it help his ever continuing campaign? He probably briefly considered blaming the TVA (an evil organization that runs fish killing dams, Gaia smothering coal power plants and, worst of all, China Syndrome generators) until Rahm pointed out that it is a government program.

  4. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)1:03 PM, May 03, 2010

    Victims of flooding in "Red" Tennessee... Can't be bothered. Birds coated with oil... SEND OUT THE NATIONAL GUARD PRONTO! Except it wasn't pronto, was it, Barack HUSSEIN Obama?

    The Lamestream Media crucified Bush for his slow response to Katrina, but you won't hear a peep against the Magic Marxist Messiah from them.

  5. Crotalus: Seriously, isn't he enough of a fuckup on his own without giving ammunition to his team about how his opposition is a bunch of puerile children by highlighting his middle name in that obnoxious kindergarten voice every time he's mentioned?

    We claim to be the adults in this debate. Why not act like it, instead of stooping to their level?

  6. So, a decent-sized oil spill isn't a big deal?

  7. More dead Americans from the flood than the oil spill.

    More Americans homeless from the flood than the oil spill.

    Of course there is no evil oil company to blame so not as good of an event.


  8. Damned nice of bammy to have the Coasties take a Cutter out of service, give it an extra-special wash and position it for a backdrop, isn't it?

    Just like Bush did after 9/11, standing on that pile of rubble...oh, wait

  9. "So, a decent-sized oil spill isn't a big deal?"

    It's as big a deal as you wish to make of it.

  10. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)5:24 PM, May 03, 2010

    Okay, perlhaqr, good point, but I'm just fed up with his arrogance. Besides, it doesn't matter whether our arguments are cogent, or we resort to name-calling. They'll still call us racists. They have plenty of that kind of ammo. And I still don't want to give up "Magic Marxist Messiah". That one's too good! :oD

    Anonymous the Second, the oil spill IS important. I don't like environmental damage either, let alone the economic hardship on the fishing, shrimping, and tourism industries, but that's not the point of my comment. I'm saying that he and the complicit media blame Bush for not responding to Katrina fast enough, and yet Obama has done the same thing. And he's ignored Tennessee's weather-related disasters, where people have also died. Twice, I might add.

  11. So, a decent-sized oil spill isn't a big deal?

    No, it isn't especially in the ocean. You see the oil comes from the EARTH. You know the same place where sea water, seagulls, and Phil Spector. Can it be toxic? Yes, but like all natural substances it will be dealt with by nature and not a bunch of college kids spraying down rocks and wiping oil off of them.

  12. Telling that you'd link to the Beeb for news of the event.


  13. Crotalus:

    "Magic Marxist Messiah" is truly excellent, however I still like my "Kendonesian Marxist Muslim Usurper". Although, with your permission, I will use yours as an occasional alternate.

    wv: dednessi. Good thing BP doesn't drill in Scotland...

    cap'n chumbucket

  14. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)9:06 PM, May 03, 2010

    Heh! Excellent epithet for Obama, Cap'n! I have no copyright to MMM, so feel free.

  15. "Spill might sap appetite for drilling".

    Not like the executive order will have any effect.

    And his parents gave him his name. Take it up with them.

    He's not Kenyan, either. His father was, but he's as American as anyone else is.

    Get after the things HE does.

  16. Given the choice between the lives, safety, and health of American citizens, and making a publicity stunt out of beating up a public (and ironic) whipping boy... well, there is just no choice at all, now, is there?

    Gotta give politicians credit for being predictable.

  17. perlhaqr,

    Our President has been "B. Hussein Obama" to me for quite a while, now. Pretty much since he proved he attended Christian church for the "hate whitey" sermons, and wrote that he would stand with the Muslims if things got tough.

    President B. Hussein Obama is my President. It just so happens I hate and oppose some 85-90% of what he has done since taking office. That percentage might be higher - I haven't tracked everything he did, and so much of the unreported stuff has been reprehensible, Marxist, socialist, anti-Constitutional, abuse of his office, or some combination. Oh, and I do object to calling him a "black" president. He is just as much White as he is Black (one parent each, and it isn't the Black parent that he uses to claim citizenship).

    You know, our last young President made history at the Bay of Pigs, and JFK had a history of serving his nation as an officer in the US Navy. I wonder what B. Hussein Obama's "Bay of Pigs" will look like, and if he will squeak by without inciting a world war, too.

  18. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)3:19 AM, May 04, 2010

    Staghounds, I didn't say he wasn't born American; I said he's not American at heart. He was raised for part of his childhood in Muslim schools, and spent twenty years in the Church of the Holy Hate Whitey. And he has clearly shown that he means to govern by Karl Marx's teachings. So how could he be American at heart?

    Consider this: he rose meteorically from an obscure political background, he is busy redistributing everyone's wealth ("From each according to his ability", and all that.), and the media treats him like some kind of savior. Hence, "Magic Marxist Messiah".

    Brad, I hadn't heard that he wrote that he would stand with Muslims if things got tough, though it wouldn't surprise me if he did. Where did you hear it?

  19. So 15 hillbillies are dead from the flooding? 15 'billies = a few oily seagulls according to my calculations.

  20. Didn't 11 people die when the rig exploded?

  21. Anon 8:50,

    So, does being a pusillanimous anonymous coward actually cause a physically oily sensation on the skin, or is it all in your head? I'm curious.

  22. You see the oil comes from the EARTH... does RAIN (??)

  23. No seafood lovers in this comment section? Missing that Gulf shrimp already?

  24. Chas,

    Have you even read this comment section?

    I'll quote Crotalus: "Anonymous the Second, the oil spill IS important. I don't like environmental damage either, let alone the economic hardship on the fishing, shrimping, and tourism industries, but that's not the point of my comment. I'm saying that he and the complicit media blame Bush for not responding to Katrina fast enough, and yet Obama has done the same thing. And he's ignored Tennessee's weather-related disasters, where people have also died. Twice, I might add."

    I don't see anybody cheering for oil spills, here. (Unlike on the news, where you could see reporters and environmental lobbyists practically popping stiffies over the forthcoming photo ops...)

  25. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)1:54 PM, May 04, 2010

    Thanks for watchin' my back, Tam.

    Both the oil spill and the Tennessee weather disasters are significant, and President Obama should have made an appearance at both of them. But he was being politically correct, and yet, he still delayed federal involvement in the Gulf of Mexico. His hypocrisy was the main point of all my posts.

  26. "popping stiffies"

    ???? Oh, Tam, how could you. . .

  27. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)11:40 AM, May 05, 2010

    Heh! You are right on the money, Tam! :oD "Stiffies", indeed!

  28. Right on sister! Right on!

  29. Thanks for remembering us, Tam. I just wish you'd link to my paper's web site, or at least the Tennessean, instead of the BBC. Why?

    I do like how it took Kenny Chesney calling Anderson Cooper to get the guy to come to Nashville. He was in NOLA the day after, wearing waders and standing in thigh-high water.

    My little paper has been doing the best it can. I've been working on covering this storm since it started Sunday morning. This story will not end for a long time.

    Thanks for the support, everyone. We don't need the president as much as we do each other.


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