Friday, May 14, 2010

QotD: Politics As Usual edition.

From Borepatch:
I don't think that the problem is the Democrats, and I don't think the solution is the Republicans. The problem is that there's a permanent political class that has increasing contempt for the voters, and who is aided and abetted by their lackeys in the traditional media. If the Republicans are not as bad as the Democrats in this, it's not for lack of trying.
He sucked me in with that post, too. It started off talking about how the early manipular legions of Rome whooped ass on the archaic Macedonian phalanxes. Hey, Roman military history! A sure way to get me interested! Next thing I knew, we were talking about November and it was all incumbents delenda est. Clever, that.


  1. I'm wicked tricky that way. ;-)

    Every now I finish a post and, with the mouse pointer hovering over the "Post" button. I wonder if this isn't really an incoming transmission from Planet Borepatch. This was one of those.

    As akways, thanks for the link, and especially the kind words.

  2. Borepatch: May I add more kind words? That is what I would have liked to have written if I had the time and work ethic. Brilliant essay, and I'll be sharing the link with everyone I know who has a claim to gray matter.

  3. I liked the quote Bill St. Clair put up at End the War on Freedom: "Quit advocating for a new guy to wear the ring when it's the ring that's the problem."

    Of course, I am an unreconstructed Dunadan-suiter (Beowulf reads a lot better in the original Adunaic), and would like that sort of thing.

  4. An overarching characteristic of human societies is that the highly-organized groups out-compete less organized groups. (Consequently, I also believe that anarchy is either nothing to praise or worry about, as it can only be temporary.) No matter the organization at the beginning, society eventually becomes so rigid that an asymmetrical force applied causes it to snap spectacularly--then another cycle starts.

    I'm certainly going to do my best with my votes to prove history wrong, but I don't have a lot of faith that we will be the exception.

  5. Tam;

    If you enjoy Ancients warfare you might give these guys a listen:

    Thanks for all your work BTW, the blogs a must read...



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